What to do after a car accident if your car is damaged

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Friday, October 4, 2019 - 8:28am

It is so easy to prevent car accidents. However, you can do nothing about it if it happens. You have to ensure that you work your way out of it, and using the right procedures.

Many accidents happen annually. They add up to thousands of car crashes according to various reports. As much as these accidents happen, not many people understand the procedures that you should follow.

In this article, we will indicate some of the things you need to do if an event like this happens to you. If it has happened to you already, and you are looking for help, here are things that Quittance road accident solicitors advice you to do.

Always stay calm

It is alright to be in shock. That is the first stimulus that many people encounter when an accident happens. However, you need to do what it takes to get control over your emotions and the situation. Assess it first before you go to step two.

Therefore, the first thing is to check whether everyone is safe. Check everyone on board to confirm that everyone is okay. Besides that, do not make the mistake of running away. You may forfeit asking for a claim, and if you are on the wrong, you might end up in trouble with the law.

By staying calm, it also means that you should avoid discussing anything with the other parties involved unless you are talking to your lawyer or the police officers. That includes even when you are at fault.

Put your hazards on

You know, accidents are so unfortunate because one accident can cause another. Therefore, you have to alert oncoming traffic by putting on your hazard lights. If the car can move, you can try to move it to the side.

Some people advise that you should stay inside the vehicle. Nevertheless, that is dangerous. You should try to move everyone to a safer location. For instance, ensure that minors are safe. If the car cannot move, then your best option is to put warning triangles so that other drivers can slow down.

Seek medical attention

Victims can sometimes delay seeking care. Remember, your safety matters. Any small injury can be dangerous if doctors do not attend to it immediately.

If anybody complains of even the slightest headaches, you should contact 911.

Document the event

For people who want to file a claim with their insurer, it is best that you put everything down on paper and record it. It acts as evidence in court and the insurance company.Things you can do at this point is to take pictures, videos, and ask a few witnesses to give you a few statements. Remember to take the contacts of your witnesses.

Contact traffic police officers so that they can assess the situation. Remember, claims, sometimes, are difficult to file. However, if you do it on time, you can get the appropriate compensation that you require.

Final remarks

As much as you would like compensation of any sort, ensure that you remain safe. Your life means a lot; not only to you but also to your loved ones. If you do not know what to do, it is appropriate that you contact a lawyer immediately. He or she should give you the right advice to help you through this tough time.





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