Agency's shock at 'fake' interpreter
An Exeter-based deaf interpreter agency has expressed shock at the unidentified man, who was broadcast standing alongside world leaders including US President Barack Obama, making up his own signs during Nelson Mandela’s memorial service.
The so-called ‘interpreter’, who was seen by millions of television viewers worldwide, was a 'fake', according to South Africa's deaf federation.
Carly Renaud, one of the directors at the South West’s leading interpreting agency, Deafinite Interpreters, said: "It appears that the "interpreter" used at such an important event was untrained and unregistered. Many Deaf South Africans and South African interpreters have commented, following the broadcast, that the man was unclear and made no sense.
“It’s incredibly sad that the Deaf community did not have appropriate access and that their language and our profession were made a mockery of.
“The issue of untrained interpreters is a world-wide problem, hopefully the only silver lining to this is that there will be more awareness of the need for appropriate people to be booked.
“Deafinite Interpreters is the leading interpreting agency in the south west for Deaf and hard of hearing people. For more than five years Deafinite Interpreters has been offering unparalleled interpreting services, across a range of settings and it is our aim to give clients access to the highest quality interpreting service."
For more information about interpreters and Deafinite Interpreters, visit www.deafiniteinterpreters.co.uk or call 01392 494922.