Meet an archaeologist at A la Ronde

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 2:13pm

The National Trust's Collections and Engagement Archaeologist, Nancy Grace, will be at A la Ronde on Thursday 1 August between 11 am and 4pm.

Bring your discoveries for identification and see if you can stump the archaeologist. Learn how to use a sorting tray when on digs, have a go at recording your objects, find out how to draw recreations of whole objects from fragments; and get nose to nose with articles from the past 40,000 years.

This year A la Ronde was featured in ITV's Britain’s Secret Homes programme. Discover more about the collection of archaeological objects on display during the day.

Nancy says: “I am encouraging visitors to bring along a variety of found objects that I will identify on the day. The day is perfect for families with lots of hands on activities for the children.”

House Steward Nicola Perryman mentions: “This is our second ‘Meet the Archaeologists’ event. We have many thousands of objects on display inside the house. I particularly like the house brick that has been carved to look like a face. Come along and get immersed in the past.”

Further information about A la Ronde can be found on their website.


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