PR Awards recognises local Safer Driving Campaign

A pioneering public-private partnership that helps promote safer driving among young people has been recognised with four prestigious industry awards for communication.


The Honest Truth Partnership took home four awards at the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) West of England Pride Awards on Friday 9th November. Facing stiff competition from public, private and third sector companies including some of the region’s biggest PR firms, the partnership picked up four Gold awards, including a special prize awarded by judges for the ‘Best Use of Measurement and Evaluation’.   It was also honoured as the ‘Best Not For Profit Campaign’ and ‘Best Campaign Costing £10,000 Or Less’. A prize for producing the ‘Best External Publication’ for its teaching resource booklet rounded out the awards.   The Partnership brings together the public and private sector, with authorities working alongside driving instructors to provide teaching resources and promotional material which help convey the key risks of the road to young drivers.  It is free for driving instructors to sign up, and across Devon and Cornwall the project has over 350 members.  It continues to grow, with other parts of the country starting to take on the campaign.    Founded by Devon and Cornwall Police, Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, Devon County Council, Teignbridge District Council and Peppers School of Motoring, the project is also supported by Community Safety Partnerships and district councils around Devon.   The awards mark a new high for the campaign, helping the partnership spread its message around the region.  It is now planning to work with the CIPR – the only national public relations body with a Royal Charter – to share its best practice in partnership working at training and networking events around the region.   Sgt Olly Tayler from Devon and Cornwall Police is the current Chair of The Honest Truth Partnership.  He said: “We’re bowled over by the recognition shown by the CIPR.  This is a tremendous boost for the campaign and for the people who have worked so hard to make it happen, often going above and beyond the call of duty on top of busy day jobs.   “It’s been a labour of love for us all, and we’re hoping this professional accreditation will help us reach new members and more organisations around the country.  This is a campaign with the potential to save lives on our roads, and the more people who get involved the better.”   Known for its distinctive animal-themed branding and real-life case studies, the campaign has captured the attention of many professionals in the driving instruction industry, with instructors all over the region using its resources to teach their pupils safe driving habits.   Sarah Pinch MCIPR, Chair of the CIPR West of England group commented: “The PRide awards are an opportunity to recognise the hard work, dedication, success and commitment of public relations professionals up and down our glorious region.”    Jane Wilson, CEO of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations said: “The CIPR PRide Awards celebrate the best PR and communications campaigns and teams from the profession across the UK. To be shortlisted for a CIPR PRide Award demonstrates exemplary achievement, impact and value – immediately putting your work in the spotlight. The sheer number of high quality entries received this year, especially when things are still pretty tough out there economically, is testament to a thriving nationwide industry.”   The Honest Truth Partnership was formed in Devon following a tragic crash which killed three young people aged nine, 17 and 18, in the South Hams.   To find out more about the campaign or sign-up, visit or Alternatively call the Partnership on 01626 215894 or 


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