8 People That You Don’t Want As Friends On Facebook

Caitlin Clark
Authored by Caitlin Clark
Posted Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 3:25pm

#1 – The Selfie

I’m very independent because I do everything by myself. I post, like and comment at the same time. I’m full of initiative. I even ask my friends to like my profile picture to gain more likes. As they say, “Love yourself first before loving others.” Right?

#2 – Hashtagger

#imnotapersonwhousesahashtagasifthereisnotomorrow #idontoveruseitijustwanttoputanemphasisaboutmypost #dontgetmewrong

#3 – Bipolar

Moody? Of course not. I’m just full of emotions. Though, sometimes, I talk about happy things and suddenly, I play sad songs, or I may change my status from time to time (from in a relationship and all of a sudden to it’s complicated). I think it is pretty much normal. Everyone has a problem, Okay? And happiness is difficult to maintain. Besides, nothing is permanent except change.

#4 – Supernaturalermanent

I hardly post or update. Most of the time, you don’t even know that I exist.

#5 – Showy

I’m at the Five Star Hotel with 3 Michelin stars eating diamond and gold. I just got my new limited edition emerald bag from Hermes. Thank you for my parents for buying me this simple 50,000 quid pair of shoes. I love you both. XXX I’m not showy. I just show what I got, just like everybody else. Is that a crime?

#6 – Broadcaster

I like my friends to be updated about my life. That’s why I update my status from time to time (every minute or two).

#7 – Gamer

Farmville? Petville? Cafeville? Name it. For sure I have played it. I’m not an addict. I’m just playful. Add me on Facebook, and I’ll send lots of gifts and game requests. XD :)

#8 – Trasher

They say that I like saying bad words, making issues, spreading viruses, identity theft. Everything rubbish and gibberish. That is my specialty? Come on…I don’t like to say bad words nor create rumors/issues. I’m just too frank and honest. “Truth hurts and reality bites.” Don’t put all the blame to me. And for the viruses, it’s not my fault. I just share them, you have the right not to open them. We are in a free country. So back off or I swear to all words that I know, I will steal your identity.

Courtesy of http://www.uncoverdiscover.com

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