The Enchanted World of Ryder
Enchanting artworks by an enigmatic painter, who has created art under an assumed identity, are now on display at a Exeter gallery.
The collection, entitled ‘The Enchanted World of Ryder’, has been unveiled at Castle Galleries, Exeter, in order for the works to be judged by the public on its own merits, allowing the audience to escape into a world full of mystery and fantasy.
Ryder’s collection of eight pieces, which are now available as limited editions on canvas at the gallery, feature animal characters and landscapes in whimsical settings, and portray a sense of freedom and elation. Painted predominantly in rich and dark blues with dashes of warm colours for sunsets, the art creates captivating scenes that transport the viewer to a ‘vibrant world where midnight adventures become reality’.
Rita Jones, Castle Galleries, Exeter’s gallery manager, said: “In today’s world so many works, whether it’s art, movies or books, are judged beforehand based on a number of factors, and can be taken out of context even before it has been seen.
“It’s refreshing that an artist is putting his work forward with no preconceptions so that people are free to make an unbiased decision, therefore allowing themselves to escape into a parallel world full of colour and delight.”
Ryder has remained tight-lipped about the collection throughout and has given very little away to allow the art to speak for itself, although the artist adds: “My work was inspired by the need to escape from the sometimes harsh realities of this world.”
The paintings, entitled ‘In The Night Garden’, ‘Over The Moon’, ‘The Greatest Show On Earth’, ‘The Exhibitionist’, ‘Romeo’s Juliet’, ‘Juliet’s Romeo’, ‘The Chase’ and ‘Dangerous Liaisons’ are now available at Castle Galleries, Exeter.
Only 95 limited edition canvases of each painting have been created, and each of the works is personally signed by Ryder. The canvases are priced from £550.
For more information please visit Castle Galleries, Exeter, telephone 01225 789 298 or visit