Service achieves RoSPA diamond award

Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service has been presented with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents’ (RoSPA) top health and safety award. 

The award acknowledges the high standard of health & safety management within the Service and a high level of dedication from staff to improve health, safety and welfare systems.

Chief Fire Officer Lee Howell received the ‘Diamond’ award from RoSPA at Service Headquarters. He said: “We are all aware that we work in a potentially dangerous environment sometimes. As such we need to ensure that we are doing all that we can to protect our staff whilst also ensuring that we continue to meet public expectations.”

The Service’s ‘zero harm’ culture has led to a significant reduction in personal injuries reported by staff of 38% over the period 2009–2012, from 216 in 2010 to 136 last year.

The Service will continue to monitor progress and make further improvements as required.

Mr Howell added: “I am most grateful to our health & safety team for all that they have done to get us to this point and we remain focused on ensuring we become an excellent organisation for the future.”


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