Sing-a-long to the Sound of Music!
A year -long programme of film screenings at the XCentre in Exeter is kicking-off with a fun-filled sing-a-long version of the family classic, The Sound of Music on Saturday 15th November.
The event is being organised to raise money for Headway Devon, the local brain injury charity, and all proceeds will be used to support local people with disabilities.
Headway Fundraising Manager, Holly Keatings, says: “We can’t wait for the sing-a-long- Sound of Music event. Taking place in mid-November, this event is perfectly timed to help you get into the Christmas spirit with this heart-warming favourite.
“Led from the front by our energetic host and with a range of prizes on offer, this event should be fantastic fun. Fancy dress is by no means compulsory, but is very welcome and there will be a prize for the best dressed! So, if you love nothing more than warbling along to a film musical, throwing your arms wide on a lush mountain top, or dressing up in a whimple, then this is the event for you.”
Tickets cost £5 for adults or £3 for children, or £15 for a family ticket (two adults and two children). Doors will open at 4.30pm for a 5pm start and popcorn, drinks and snacks will be available for a small donation. Tickets are available on the door or in advance by calling Holly on 01392 211822 or emailing holly@headwaydevon.org.uk.
The XCentre is located on Commercial Road, by Exeter Quay. As well as being a unique training and events centre, the XCentre is also the home of Headway Devon.