Expert advice for Exeter landlords
Exeter City Council and the National Landlords Association (NLA) invite landlords in Exeter and the surrounding areas to its next branch meeting on Wednesday 4 February to help prepare for risks that threaten the success of their lettings business.
Hannah Darling, NLA representative, will discuss how the NLA’s latest campaign, Rent Risk Resolve can help mitigate against the risks of rent arrears, rising interest rates, local licensing activity and the potential introduction of rent control, in order to ensure a happy and successful lettings business.
Hannah said: “Landlords should be aware of the risks involved when letting, whether they are new or already in the business, and preparing in advance can make all the difference.
“You can face risks in everyday life, but when they affect the smooth running of your business, you have to know how to mitigate against them. The NLA would like to help guide landlords on how to minimise the risks that threaten their business with our Rent Risk Resolve campaign.”
Landlords will then hear from accounts and tax expert, Samantha Perkins, Company Director, Zamu who will provide an update on recent changes to the law and explore the various ways a landlord can make sure they stay within the regulations while ensuring they claim the tax relief they are entitled to.
The meeting takes place at Rennes Room, Exeter City Council, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter, Devon, EX1 1RQ beginning at 6.30pm.
The meeting is free and open to all landlords.