ECI is recruiting for volunteers with life experience

Exeter Community Initiatives' Transitions Project is recruiting vounteers now to start a new training course planned for late January 2013.

Transitions volunteers provide mentoring support to people who have been homeless, or who are at risk of becoming homeless, or who are vulnerable or isolated, to live independently in the community.

The Transitions Project works with people to develop their skills and resources to manage change, cope with life’s ups and downs, and become more resilient. They are looking for people who are interested in helping others, not to do things for them, but to develop the ability to do things for themselves.

No particular qualifications are needed but life experience is essential! They are particularly looking for people who are able to understand what others are going through, perhaps having overcome tough times themselves.

The training comprises eight weekly three-hour sessions and ongoing commitment required is 1-3 hours per week for a minimum of six months. Volunteers are fully supported and out-of-pocket expenses are paid. To find out more and to apply, click here.

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