Free Broadband Connection Voucher webinar
South West Communications Group has set up a second free webinar to enable businesses to find out more about the SuperConnected Cities scheme.
swcomms has already informed many businesses they are now eligible for a SuperConnected Cities voucher worth up to £3,000, but has organised this second super-quick free webinar – 15 minutes plus questions – to give them the details they will need without disturbing their days' work too much. There will be an opportunity for businesses to ask questions via a live chat facility.
The first webinar was held last week and was over-subscribed so a second one has been organised to meet demand.
The webinar will include:
• A very brief overview on why the SuperConnected Cities programme was set up
• Why more cities can now take advantage of Broadband Connection Vouchers
• What you can spend your voucher on
• How improved connectivity can benefit your business
• The simple application process
When: Thursday, May 21, 2015
Time: 2.30pm
To register for this event, please leave your details here: https://www.anymeeting.com/AccountManager/RegEv.aspx?PIID=EB58D981804631