Judi 'erased from BBC history'

Marc Astley
Authored by Marc Astley
Posted Monday, July 20, 2015 - 7:27am

Embarrassed BBC bosses appear to have ‘erased from history’ axed presenter Judi Spiers.

Just a month after she announced her last week on the station, two controversial Facebook postings seem to have been removed.

The first was a statement by BBC Radio Devon managing editor Mark Grinnell explaining his decision to drop the broadcasting star.

Another post, made by Judi and her team on the show’s last day, has also disappeared.

Observers believe it might be to do with the fact that both posts attracted more than 700, largely negative, comments.

The founder of the twitter campaign @BringBackJudi told the Daily: “Who on earth do they think they are?

“How can it be right that listeners’ views are simply erased from history because Mr Grinnell doesn’t like them?

“We are planning raise this at the highest level, especially as two of the BBC’s core values are the following:

Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest.

Audiences are at the heart of everything we do.

“It’s an outrage.”

Meanwhile Judi has found herself in demand.

Last Thursday she hosted the prestigious EDF Energy South West  Media Awards at Somerset County Cricket Club and that evening was guest of honour at the 10th birthday party of a local PR firm (pictured).

One of those at the event said: “This is the Judi we know and love. How many other presenters give their time as she does? She cared about her listeners.”

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