Try something wild this summer at Killerton
If you need some family inspiration this summer then look no further than Killerton. The Outdoor Team has created an action packed programme of weekly events for August that will inspire and entertain all members of your family. Some of these events are a first for Killerton, and the National Trust Rangers are very excited at this new opportunity to show off the wild side of the estate.
‘Try it Tuesdays’ give taster sessions of sports and activities including rock climbing, laser clay pigeon shooting, cricket, tag rugby, archery and more. You can turn up and join in any time between 11am and 3.30pm and try something new.
Let younger imaginations run wild at our themed afternoons of play and make-believe in the garden at our ‘Wicked Wednesdays’. From 2pm every Wednesday our garden will be overtaken by Knights, Damsels and Dragons, Fairies and Elves, and Pirates.
Wild Thursdays are your chance to explore the habitats and wildlife of Killerton’s parkland and woods. The Rangers will help you discover the hidden habitats and historic trees, while activities will include wild art, den building, foraging and camp fire cooking.
So whether they’re wild about wildlife, wild about sport or have wild imaginations, we’ve got a great day out for everyone in your family. Be sure to pick up one of our “50 things to do before you’re 11 ¾” activity books before you leave.
Normal admission prices apply, with National Trust members entering for free, but small charges may apply for some activities. If you’d like more details about these events or Killerton’s summer programme then go to the website www.nationaltrust.org.uk/killerton.
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