Community Treasure Hunt
A walking treasure hunt and barbecue, to raise funds for new gymnastics equipment for Honiton Gymnastics Club, is taking place at Honiton Rugby Club on Saturday 21 May - and everyone is welcome.
Starting at 1pm, the fun afternoon for all the family - which has been organised by the club's Supporters Association.
The Treasure Hunt is open to teams of between one and six.
With at least 1 adult (over 18) if there are children in the team at primary school. Parents are responsible for letting children enter.
£1 entry per person. Under 5’s free.
Barbecue food will be ready to purchase at 1pm and run though out the afternoon until all gone.
Bar at the Rugby Club will be open all afternoon.
To join in, either email your interest to honitongym@gmail.com or simply turn up on the day.
If you need any more information contact Heather on 07773 540010.