Pirate Ship Launches at Tickety-Boo

Sue Cade
Authored by Sue Cade
Posted Friday, December 22, 2017 - 10:07am

Almost exactly two years after he purchased the old Millstone Bakery site in Ottery St Mary’s Mill Street, Tickety-Boo owner Stuart Phillips has unveiled an exciting extension to the coffee shop’s popular play kingdom – just in time for Christmas.

The new section features a bespoke-made pirate ship complete with mast, telescopes, cabin and slide, as well as additional seating and a buggy park. It doubles the size of the Tickety-Boo play kingdom and offers improved access for customers.

There is now a second entrance directly from Hind Street, with an automated rear access door operated by red buttons and an electromagnetic safety gate to make the play area safe for families and more accessible to parents with buggies and wheelchair users.

With the coffee shop counter upstairs, staff will provide table service for customers with disabilities and anyone with young children to supervise.

Mr Phillips said: “I’m delighted to offer even more opportunities for play to children of local families and tourists to the town.

“It has been a lot of work to get the new section just right, and I would like to thank all the local trades who put in so much effort, from building the ship to creating the signage.”

The next step is to name the pirate ship and Tickety-Boo is running a competition in the shop and on social media.

“But it’s not going to be Boaty McBoatface!” added Stuart.

To find out more, visit ticketyboocafe.co.uk

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