YMCA Exeter collaborate with the University of Exeter to record music album
Residents and volunteers at YMCA Exeter are delighted to announce that a recording of their EP album “Blessing” is now available online to download from Spotify, Amazon, Deezer, Google Play and iTunes.
The EP album is the result of a joint project called ‘Making Invisible People Visible’, between YMCA Exeter and Professor Paul Cloke at The University of Exeter.
The album took YMCA Exeter residents’ on an emotional journey through song-writing, creativity and public performance, giving them the opportunity to make their voices heard.
The music programme at YMCA Exeter seeks to help residents cope with negative mental health and develop their musical skills to challenge public perceptions of homelessness. The programme has taught residents to write songs, master harmonies, learn new instruments, performance skills and musical skills to others, as well as the opportunity to record an EP album.
Tim Wells, Health and Activities Facilitator at YMCA Exeter said: “We are passionate about empowering young people to find and nurture their musical creativity.
"This project has helped many of them overcome personal obstacles and anxiety, giving them a voice as well as tools to positively express their emotions.
"We are extremely grateful to Professor Paul Cloke, Professor in Human Geography, who has led the project and we look forward to developing the programme in the coming year."
Paul Cloke, Professor at the University of Exeter, said: “The ‘Making Invisible People Visible’ research was about finding new ways to make homelessness more real. Homeless people are usually thought of by the public in terms of highly mediated stigmatic stereotypes.
"The project gave a few precious people an opportunity to rewrite their public story - to make people look again at them as individuals not as a stereotype.”
To download “Blessing” from Spotify, Amazon, Deezer, Google Play and iTunes, search ‘YMCA Exeter Blessing’.
The album is also on sale for £5 through YMCA Exeter’s website, with all proceeds going to support YMCA Exeter’s ongoing work with young people. To order a copy of the album, ring 01392 410530, or visit www.ymcaexeter.org.uk/i-would-like-to-help/shop/