5 things you should bring to a job interview in 2019

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 5:53am

When you finally get an interview for that job that you have been dreaming of getting, it can be very overwhelming. Interviews can be stressful but as long as you prepare in advance, you should be able to do just fine. Here, we are going to give you tips on the things that you should bring to your job interview in 2019. Keep reading to find out more.

National Insurance Number

If you are planning on working in the UK, then you are going to need to bring your national insurance number. This will show the potential employer that you are eligible to work for their company legally. Don’t worry if you have a lost NI number because there are plenty of ways to retrieve this. All you need to do is search for ‘lost national insurance number’ and you should be able to get your hands on it in time for the interview.

Copies Of Your Resume

At your interview, it is likely that they are going to already have a copy of your resume, but it doesn’t hurt to bring one along. This will give you the opportunity to point things out that are on there and talk about them in more detail. You might find that the interviewers looked at your resume when you first applied but don’t remember everything on it. Bring some copies and you will look more prepared.

A Notepad

You might find that in your interview you learn a little more about the job than you got from the application. This is a good reason to bring a notepad and pen so that you can take down any important notes. This can help you to decide whether the job is right for you should you be offered the position and the interviewer will appreciate you taking some notes.


Should you be successful in your interview, it is likely that your new employer is going to ask you for some references from previous jobs that you have held. This is why it is a good idea to bring a few references and their details with you to the interview. This will show that you are prepared and that you have some references that are willing to talk to the new employer.


The final thing that you should bring to your interview in 2019 is some questions. At the end of most interviews, you’ll find that the interviewer will ask if you have any questions. Even if you don’t have any questions, it is always good to show some interest in the company. Try to think of a few questions before you go that you can ask and make sure that they have not been covered before you ask them. They will be happy to answer, and you will find out everything that you need to know.

If you are heading to a job interview in 2019, make sure that you bring all of the things we have discussed in this article.

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