Stress: The silent disease

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Tuesday, June 4, 2019 - 8:42am

It is easy to realise you’re suffering from stress; you tend to feel exhausted for no reason, while everyday tasks and responsibilities feel overwhelming, you lose control of yourself somewhat and you begin to feel inadequate.

More and more people are suffering from stress and the age at which it begins is getting lower. With the speed of technological progress, life can feel too much sometimes, and competition is only getting tougher.

How to identify stress

Stress is a silent disease that can kill. That’s why you should watch out for certain symptoms, so you can start working on getting better.

Some of the most common physical symptoms of stress include:

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in libido
  • Muscular tension or pain

Emotions, thoughts and behaviour are also affected by stress, so you should be on the alert for any of the following symptoms: 

  • Anxiety, both about the past and the future
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Depression or excessive sadness
  • Abusing alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or any other mind-altering substance
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Changes in dietary habits, either a significant increase or decrease in appetite
  • Difficulty connecting with other people, though this should be distinguished from simply shy or introverted people.

Methods for relieving stress

If you identify with at least three of the above symptoms, you should consider implementing some stress-relief methods. The good news is there are many ways to beat the illness.

Exercise, go for walks outdoors, and occupy your free time with activities you enjoy. Meet up with friends, go out with your partner, find new hobbies or visit new places.

Orgasms are also an excellent way to release endorphins and therefore relieve stress. If you don’t have a partner or would like to try something new, find the naughtiest escorts in London, let your imagination run wild and beat anxiety.

Remember that, as well as undertaking physical activity, you should eat healthily. Studies have shown that pineapples, mango and chocolate are all ideal foods for difficult emotional situations as they contain chemicals that help the body produce endorphins, known as the happiness hormone.

Get help

Sometimes it’s hard to get out of the fog stress causes. If you make the necessary changes to relieve everyday stress but you still don’t know the root cause of your anxiety, it is time to seek professional help.

Remember that there are professionals who specialise in treating stress, so this is usually the safest and healthiest option if the situation gets too much for you. These professionals will give you the tools you need to control the anxiety stress causes.

It may seem that living with stress is just a part of life, but it shouldn’t be. There are certain stressful situations out of our control that we face every day, but what we can control is how we react to them, which automatically controls our stress levels.

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