How to Make a Living off Your Looks!

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Monday, November 11, 2019 - 7:52am

In the words of Mr. James Blunt, “You’re Beautiful”, well as much as we may argue about the merits, or otherwise, of the song, we can all agree that it’s nice to be thought of as good-looking, but making money off of how you look doesn’t mean you have to be a 10 out of 10, all sorts of looks are good and it’s how you use your looks and present yourself that may be most important.

Look Good & Be Good

It’s well known that attractive people get hired more regularly and although this may sound unfair, it’s really an unconscious bias, and we can all relate to this if we are being completely honest with ourselves, you are going to react favourably to something that you find attractive in a person, and this includes a whole range of things including attitudes, personality, tone of voice, and of course physical appearance. So the better you present yourself then the better chance you have of getting ahead in any aspect of life.

Body Confidence

It’s not just how you dress or do your make-up it's about how you present yourself in terms of body confidence. Anyone can read when someone is acting introverted and uncomfortable, you tend to make yourself smaller and physically shy away. Present yourself with confidence and others will see this in you.

Consider A Career In Modelling

Modelling is one of the most obvious ways to make money from your physical appearance. There are so many types of model required, companies need catalogue models as much as fashion show models, plus-size and other alternative looks are required more and more, so almost anyone can do it these days. Check out this great site detailing the path to becoming a model.

Keep In Shape

One thing that is sure to enhance your chances of making money via your looks is to keep in shape as much as possible. This is good advice for life in general as well as for modelling or anything else for that matter.

Work In Beauty

If you have an interest in your appearance then you are most likely already interested in health and beauty treatments, so why not consider becoming a beauty therapist and making some money from your passion. 

Art Class Modelling

As opposed to regular modelling then it’s also an idea to consider the possibility of doing some life modelling for art students. This is usually a very part-time role and would usually only be a little top up of income, you are also doing something good helping students with their progression in their art. 

Film & TV Extra Work

There are agencies that you can register with to get work acting as a TV of film extra or ‘supporting artist’, this is basically all the people you can see in the background of films and TV shows, crowds, etc. You can make up to £100 a day, which is not bad for what is not usually that demanding work, and it can be a lot of fun for the celebrity spotters amongst us.

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