Your choice in pet says something about your personality

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Friday, January 24, 2020 - 10:34am

50% of adults in the UK own a pet. This was according to the PDSA, a UK-based organization that provides care and shelter to sick animals. But do you know that the type of pet you have chosen to adopt says a lot about you? Yes, that’s right! Your choice of a pet has something to do with the type of personality that you have. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you find that your pet is quite a bit like you.

Whether you’re a dog or cat lover, let’s take a look at the different types of personalities that people have according to the kind of pet that they own.

Dog People

If you consider yourself a dog lover, then you’re in a good company. PDSA revealed that 26% of pet owners in the UK own a dog. So if you got a pet dog at home, then you belong to the majority.

Studies show that dog lovers are more extroverted. The most distinctive dog owner personality is sociable. They have outgoing personalities and are often always happy. Because of this, they are more capable of handling stress and are less likely to suffer from depression. However, some experts argued that the mere presence of a pet, whether it’s a dog or cat, could help fight loneliness. Nevertheless, dog people are more sociable than cat people. 

It has also been found that dog people would prefer to spend more time outdoors. This is exactly what dogs are. They love to go outdoors to walk, play, and engage with the environment. Otherwise, they will feel lonely and will eventually get sick. According to a Nuwber research, your pet choice influences your hobbies and the way you spend your time. 

Since dogs love to spend outdoors, most dog lovers are also fond of outdoor sports. Their pastimes usually involve playing outdoor games such as golf. They are the type of people who will easily get bored with indoor activities such as cooking or home decorating. If we compare the dog people vs. cat people in terms of pastimes, dog people are more inclined to doing sporty or energetic activities.

Cat People

There’s only a small difference in the number of cat owners and dog owners in the UK. If 26% of the pet owners in the UK have dogs, cat owners belong to 24%. Furthermore, the PDSA stated on their website that the population of cats in the UK is around 10.9 million.

If we compare cat people vs. dog people, the former tend to be more neurotic. Yet, they are more creative compared to dog people. In fact, several studies show that cat owners are smarter than dog owners. They tend to be nonconformists and are more likely to break the rules. Unlike dogs that have a more outgoing personality, cats are less likely to socialize. 

Because of the cat’s introvert personalities, many thought that cats hate people. But this is not really the case. They just don’t want to socialize and would rather prefer to be left alone. These pets are usually depicted as independent animals. They are often cautious of the presence of others and would easily get hostile when threatened.

As a cat owner, your hobbies will most likely be associated with indoor activities. As mentioned, your pet will have a greater influence on the way you will choose to spend your pastime. Thus, you will find it more appealing to spend your time cooking in your kitchen instead of playing outdoors.


The findings above are based on surveys conducted from various dog and cat owners. These studies were compiled and have made the researchers suggest that the pet owner’s profile is similar to the pet they have. 

It’s hard to tell if a person’s personality influences their decision to choose the type of pet to own. Furthermore, it’s difficult to determine if certain types of pets will be drawn to people with personalities similar to them. However, our pets are actually an extension of ourselves. So it’s not uncommon for people to choose their furry friends based on their own personality traits. 

It’s just the same as choosing our own partner in life. You definitely don’t want to be with someone whose traits you cannot understand, right? So just like with choosing a pet, we would prefer to be with the pet that we can easily get along with.

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