Ridiculous Things to Know About Your Pet

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 4:15pm

Pets are a lovable part of our lives. They are family members, they are friends, and they are protectors. Having animals by our sides has been a part of human history since the dawn of time. While humans have developed to be more advanced, and our technology much more advanced, animals have also evolved into less ferocious beasts.

We know a lot about pets like dogs and cats since we have been around them for so long, but there is still a lot that you might find mind blowing to learn about your dog. 

If you want to learn some ridiculous information about your pet you might not have known, then you have come to the right place.

Pets have a sense of time

The age old idea that dogs and cats do not know anything about time is actually incorrect. Pets are actually adept at developing time based patterns when regular activities are about to occur. They have predictive patterning where they know when food or a walk is coming, and can base their daily routine around that. Likewise, knowing when their owner comes home from work is a way that pets can tell time. Biologically, animals are very similar to humans in that a circadian rhythm determines that dark means night, and sleep, and light means day time.

Jealousy is more than a human trait

Pets have exhibited jealousy when they see their owner showing affection to other animals, and even other humans. If you have ever noticed that your dog or cat starts to get really touchy feely with you when you are around your loved one, then you probably are experiencing some pet jealousy. Animals will start to cuddle up or interrupt physical contact between couples on couches, get hostile, or generally start to exhibit some interesting behavior that is close to how humans act. 

Your pet really is a friend, and they love you so much that they can even start to get jealous when you are getting cozy with other people. So, while you cannot stop them from getting jealous, try to show them some extra love when you are with your partner, or giving affection to another animal.

Pets have therapeutic benefits

You have probably been out running errands, going to a movie, or somewhere in public when you saw a dog with a bright vest on that says, “Service Animal.” These pets are not just friendly furry pals, they are helpful for therapy reasons or other service animals that assist someone with a disability or similar type of issue. In hospitals and counselling firms, an emotional support dog is a good way to help someone with anxiety, depression, autism, and even PTSD/trauma. Dogs are the most common service animals, but cats are becoming more noticeable, and even birds. The range of support animals is increasing because there is more study of what different species can help different situations. These animals are some of societies best as they are absolutely adorable, and equally helpful for those in need.

Ranging intelligence level in pets is observable

Pets are intelligent, in fact, a lot of animals can be incredibly intelligent. Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals on Earth, but they are not exactly ideal pets because of their need for large bodies of water. However, common household animals like birds, dogs, and cats, exhibit strong levels of intelligence. Their intelligence is not only comparable to human cognitive behavior, it is observable too. Dogs have intelligence similar to a 2 year old human child, and cats are very similar. The ranging levels of smarts are determined by factors much like our own. 

Memory, pattern recognition, speech recognition, communication, and even reasoning! Our pets  are much more adept than we could ever have known, and the best part is that we are only learning more as our technology advances. What you say around your animal might have more of an impact than you thought!

Our pets are ridiculous in the silly and lovable things they do every day. Funny faces, silly noises, and the fun they provide us and our families. In fact, pets are part of our family. Some things you might not know about your pet is that there are ridiculous facts that can put their abilities in a new light. Pets ranging in all sizes, shapes, and species have talents like you would not believe - until now. Intelligent pets, therapeutic purposes, and even disproving common urban myths are all interesting facts that you may not have realized about your pet.

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