Why both big and small businesses should care about having an insurance

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2020 - 9:54am

Running a business (whether a small or big one) takes much courage and also a whole lot of scary steps. Hence, it is therefore very imperative that as business owners, one insures the business. Business insurance does a whole lot than just protecting the company from losses. It also guarantees the workers and even the clients. As entrepreneurs, it is of essence that one has a proper understanding of the various types of insurance available as much as one understands the risks in business. Insuring one’s business is packed with many benefits, and as such, both big and small businesses...

Crucial tips to read before commencing a home renovation project

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2020 - 9:08am

Remodeling your house comes with a myriad of benefits. These can range from increasing the home resale value, to giving it a more modern look.

The house renovation process is a pretty, exciting adventure. However, this thrill can quickly die out if you face unexpected issues like a stretched budget or problems with your contractor.

Proper preparedness is critical before you embark on this renovation journey. This helps mitigate or avoid most of the unanticipated issues. If you read beforehand the vital warning signals and take charge, the project will be a great success...

5 tips on how to be a successful online English teacher

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2020 - 8:59am

Teaching English online is all the rage right now. There are literally hundreds of thousands of English language learners wanting to brush up on their English and wanting to do so from the comfort of their own homes. But the thing is, there are also hundreds of thousands of English teachers who want to teach English online. Inevitably this means there is competition for online students which, in turn, means you need to be the best online English teacher you can be. Let’s be honest, nobody wants an average teacher and if you want your students to pay top dollar for your lessons or to book...

Top 5 Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus

Toenail Fungus, which is medically known as onychomycosis, is a very common feet fungal infection. Fungus flourishes around the toes because they are often warm and damp especially in people with sweaty feet and people who wear covered shoes or footwear a lot. This is why athletes involved in feet sports are at a higher risk of having toenail fungus infection. Also, older people are more susceptible to toenail fungus infection. This infection is highly contagious, easily spreading from nail to nail, and can be very troublesome to treat. The treatment usually takes several months and has a...

Get a structural engineer for your next project

Structural Engineers are highly skilled architects who have studied a variety of subjects and are able to apply this knowledge in the construction industry. They can create the ideal space for houses, offices, or industrial buildings by creating the structural framework that will make it all work. They are skilled at evaluating the buildings and then coming up with solutions that can increase the efficiency of the structure.

It's obvious you need to get one to do the job. If you don't, you'll be wasting money on people who are not as skilled as they could be. Besides the expense...

What are stem cells and how they help the body when it is in trouble

A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell that has the ability of transforming into other types cell in the body. Under suitable conditions, stem cell can either self-renew and give rise to undifferentiated daughter cells or transform in specialized tissue cells such as blood cells, bone cell, heart cells, skin cell, brain cells, lung cells, etc. As long as a stem cell in the bone marrow remains an undifferentiated stem cell it is immortal. When a stem cell reaches a tissue and begins the process of proliferation and differentiation, it loses telomerase and is no longer immortal. Therefore...

Relive Exeter City Football Club's 1990 title win in online exhibition

Football fans can relive the 30th anniversary of Exeter City’s historic 1990 league title win as part of a new online exhibition.

St James Park may be closed but people can still celebrate sporting success virtually thanks to the exhibition, hosted on the website Grecian Archive, a partnership between the University of Exeter, the club and supporters’ trust.

As part of the National Lottery heritage funded project, the ECFC museum team - who work in collaboration with colleagues from the University’s College of Humanities and Digital Humanities Lab – have put materials...

Stagecoach bus workers mark VE Day 75th anniversary with special rendition of “We’ll meet again”

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 05/07/2020 - 6:01pm

Stagecoach bus workers right across the country have joined together to create a special video to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Bus drivers, engineers, managers, cleaners and many other employees feature in the tribute video covering Forces’ Sweetheart Dame Vera Lynn’s wartime anthem “We’ll meet again”.

Staff from across 16 Stagecoach depots came together to sing a line of the famous song to recognise and pay tribute to all those who fought so hard on the front line during WWII. The depots involved were:

  • Exeter
  • Torquay, Devon
  • Cambridge
  • ...

Report measures public demand for face masks to protect against COVID-19

One in four people already own a disposable face mask to protect themselves against COVID-19, a new study says – despite the UK government saying evidence for their use is “weak”.

An online survey of 949 members of the public representative of the UK population by age, gender and ethnicity, conducted by senior academics at the University of Exeter Business School, found that 26% already have disposable face masks at home, and 57% have disposable gloves.

“It has now become clear that the UK government is reluctant to recommend the widespread usage of disposable masks, or...

University of Exeter health and housing project to combat isolation during lockdown

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 05/07/2020 - 12:31pm

A project that links technology and housing to improve health and wellbeing in Cornwall is developing a guide to using online devices to reduce feelings of isolation during COVID-19 lockdown.

Led by the University of Exeter, the Smartline project researches the relationship between technology and the way people live in their homes and communities. Launched in 2017, the study gathers hard data and insights from residents living in social housing in Cornwall whose demographic is proportionately older, in the South West of England, via sensors in their homes.

Now, with a...
