Malta and the British connection

You may have heard of The Knights of Malta, an ancient order of warriors sworn to protect the Pope. You might have even heard that starting up a business in Malta is super easy and that there’s so much to explore in the way of history and culture.

But, what you may not have known is that Malta shares a rather strong connection with Great Britain. Read on as we explore Malta’s connection to Britain and why it’s so important today.


Historically, England and Malta have a rich history which stems from the time when Britain defended Malta from the French in the...

Two West Exe teams in finals of £25,000 tech prize for young people

An app that simplifies text for students with dyslexia and learning difficulties and a robot friend for those with anxiety and autism are just two of the final ideas in the running to win the £25,000 Longitude Explorer Prize.

The prize calls on the UK’s young people to put their ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit to the test and use technology – such as artificial intelligence (AI) – for social good. They have been challenged to create and develop solutions to some of the world’s biggest issues, including climate change, living healthier lives, and an ageing population.


How to save your time studying

Do you want to manage your studies efficiently being not only an achiever but having fun with friends as well? Then this article is for you.

Sometimes you want to stretch 24 hours a day up to 36 hours so that you can do all the necessary things, but this is beyond control. Life is short and we are all busy with a number of things. We do one thing perfectly by compromising on a number of other things. We study hard and compromise on our family time, we party hard and lose good grades.

Yet, there are many exemplary individuals who know how to save time from studies. They...

Confused about pensions? What you need to know

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Sun, 03/15/2020 - 8:25pm

More than three-quarters of employees across the UK were members of a workplace pension scheme last year – a new record high, official figures reveal.

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 77% of employees were in a workplace pension scheme in 2019, marking the highest membership rate since comparable records started in 1997.

Automatic enrolment into workplace pensions, which started in 2012, has had a huge impact in getting people into the habit of saving for later life. And younger generations appear to have caught the savings bug, with 2019 seeing 80% of...

What-what is a ne-ne?

What-what is a ne-ne?

Authored by Paigntonzoo
Posted: Sun, 03/15/2020 - 12:16pm

Two ne-ne have hatched at Paignton Zoo in Devon. But what-what is a ne-ne?

It’s a species of goose - one of the rarest in the world. Found on the Hawaiian Islands, the Hawaiian goose or ne-ne is named after its call, a soft neh-neh sound.

It’s officially classed as Vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Paignton Zoo is home to eight adult ne-ne as well as these two goslings.

It’s believed that it was once common, but human activity put paid to that. The ne-ne is the official bird of the state of Hawaii.

Unfortunate Situations Exclusive To Women

As women, you experience a lot of day to day situations that are exclusive to your gender. Men could never comprehend the amount you put up with on a daily basis. Some are good, while some are bad. That is just the way life is sometimes. It can be unfortunate, as stated, but it is good to educate everyone on what these situations are.

For men, they do not always think about how their actions affect women. Even for other women, it is good to be conscious of what other girls go through, to help them. But all in all, the most important step is knowing what kinds of situations that...

4 Best SMS Service Providers

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Sun, 03/15/2020 - 8:03am

Nowadays is characterized by groundbreaking innovations and inventions, mainly because of increased technological advancements. Businesses are forced to adopt these communication technologies to stay competitive and to assist them in marketing. SMS APIs are among the technologies that are gaining popularity among modern businesses. An SMS API refers to a software interface that may be integrated to permit the code to send short messages through an SMS gateway. Companies are using these APIs to make personalized messages and send them to their customers or target audiences. This text gives...

Spring-clean your finances with these seven simple steps

Spring-clean your finances with these seven simple steps

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Sat, 03/14/2020 - 8:39pm

We can all become complacent with our finances, but as with any bad habits, the first step is admitting something needs to change – and spring is an ideal time to give your money habits a deep clean and refresh.

But, once you’ve decided to improve your money habits, where do you start?

Here are some ideas from UK director Adam Bullock, for spring cleaning your finances and taking some steps towards a brighter financial future…

Spring clean your finances with these seven easy steps

Ten fragrant gardening gifts for Mothers

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Sat, 03/14/2020 - 8:35pm

So many plants offer fantastic scents – the sweet headiness of lily-of-the-valley in spring, the strong perfume of roses, mock orange and lilies through summer.

From shrubs whose scent is carried in the wind and can be enjoyed out on the patio, to houseplants that fill a room with fragrance, along with scented balms, oils and candles aimed at gardeners, your mum can inhale the joy of her garden with a fragrant Mother’s Day gift.

Here are some of the most perfumed offerings to buy now… Fragrant gifts for Mother's Day

Return to mender: BigFix 2020 saves £100K of broken items from the tip

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Sat, 03/14/2020 - 11:07am

Two thousand people across Devon and the UK visited their local repair café earlier this month to have a record 2,253 broken items fixed at the largest event of its kind ever held.

Coordinated by Devon County Council, the Big Fix 2020 saw 66 Repair Cafes across the UK run simultaneous events on Saturday February 15, with a single mission – to repair as much as possible.

The Big Fix 2020 achieved its goals and then some with an army of 1,000 expert volunteer fixers giving up their Saturday morning to repair £100,000 of items with visitors consuming 1748 cups of tea and...
