Net Zero Global Mobilisation Summit - How low can we go?

EXETER’s pledge to make the city carbon neutral by 2030 after declaring a climate emergency will be explored at a special conference next month where organisers are calling on business and the community for support.

A wide range of speakers will explore the fields of Energy, Mobility, Sustainability and Capability at the event at Exeter City Football Club, which is free and open to all to attend.

Achieving the goal of a carbon-neutral city can only be achieved with city-wide collaboration and support and the City Council, who declared the climate emergency, have been...

Year on year statistical costs comparison against the NHS for medical negligence claims

Authored by Sam Richards
Posted: Thu, 02/20/2020 - 11:52am

The NHS offers a crucial health service in the UK and for the most part, it’s reliable. However, there are times when things do go wrong.

Each year, thousands of negligence claims are made against the NHS. Here, we’ll look at the costs of these claims and how they compare year upon year. You’ll also discover what to do if you feel you’ve been let down by the system.

Year upon year costs of medical negligence claims

In The period 2018 to 2019, the NHS received 10,678 new negligence claims . This is a 0.8% increase from the 2017 to 2018 period which saw 10,673 new...

Zoo keepers save animals  after storm damage

Zoo keepers save animals after storm damage

Authored by Paigntonzoo
Posted: Thu, 02/20/2020 - 11:08am

Keepers at Paignton Zoo saved scores of animals after recent storms damaged a key building.

High winds ripped open a 36-metre-long air vent in the roof of Reptile Tropics at around 7.30 one morning, exposing vulnerable animals, plants and electrics. Staff rushed to save lizards, snakes, turtles, iguanas, chameleons and geckos as the temperature in the building dropped. Meanwhile, maintenance staff were able to carry out running repairs and prevent further damage.

In all, 65 reptiles and amphibians were saved, along with around 200 birds. It’s thought that no individuals...

Good parenting tips

Authored by Sam Richards
Posted: Thu, 02/20/2020 - 10:59am

It takes a lot of work to be a good parent. Not all kids will have the opportunity to grow up in an environment that is loving and nurturing. It is the responsibility of parents to provide such an environment to ensure that the kids are growing up to be respectful members of society. You’ve probably been Googling on what makes a good parent when you have moments of self-doubt. This is something that is normal. There are some key traits that a lot of good parents possess and we’re going to highlight some of them.

A Good Role Model

Your children will always be looking up to...

Bad health habits you should stop in 2020

Authored by Claire Small
Posted: Thu, 02/20/2020 - 10:35am

As an adult, you’re probably aware of the bad health habits that could lead to serious problems but you continue to indulge in them because of convenience and addiction. Most people start the year with a resolution to improve their health but don’t follow through because of a lack of motivation. Our sedentary lifestyle doesn’t make it any better. There are some poor health habits that we’re going to highlight and how to stop so that you’re living a healthier and richer life.

Skip Breakfast

It is easy to skip breakfast, especially when you’re running late for work or when...


Pencil drawing evokes politics of 1950s

Authored by Sue Cade
Posted: Thu, 02/20/2020 - 10:05am

A fascinating drawing signed by politician Harold Macmillan goes under the hammer at Chilcotts Auctioneers sale on March 7.

The picture by amateur artist Miriam Cozens depicts an historic scene at the House of Commons; the day that Winston Churchill made his final major speech as Prime Minister.

Known as ‘Never Despair’ the speech talks about the divisions that set in after the end of the Second World War, the hostility between East and West and the threat of the nuclear bomb. In his two final sentences Churchill made a farewell to the House and the British people. He said...

The growth in popularity of political betting

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Thu, 02/20/2020 - 10:05am

Anyone who follows sport will be aware of how wagering has increased in popularity over the last decade. New markets have emerged, along with concepts such as live betting in-play and custom bet building facilities. Whatever sport you follow, the choice of betting options has never been greater.

More focus on politics in recent years

However, outside of sports, politics has become the next most popular area of focus for bettors. Major events like Brexit and the 2016 US Presidential elections have brought even more focus on the political world and many sports bookmakers now feature...

5 easy ways to make your home more energy efficient

Energy is a precious commodity in 2020, but many houses still aren’t up to scratch when it comes to energy efficiency. If your house happens to be one of them, then lots of little inefficiencies could be adding up to cost you money.

Making your house more energy efficient not only saves you money in the long run, but it also helps protect the environment. Some of these changes are very cheap to do, others will cost a little bit more, but they will all make a big difference to the energy efficiency of your house.

  1. Don’t Heat an Empty House

Heating your...

Hundreds of health and care jobs available at next month’s Jobs Fair

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 02/19/2020 - 7:54pm

Hundreds of health and care jobs will be on offer at a series of ‘Proud to Care’ jobs fairs next month.

The job and careers fairs will be held at different locations across Devon over four Saturdays from March 7 to March 28 2020.

The events give those thinking of entering a health or care profession, as well as existing professionals who want develop their careers, the chance to meet many of Devon’s health and care providers in one place.

Attendees will be able to speak directly to employers from a wide range of organisations including the NHS Trusts, Devon County...

Ridiculous Things to Know About Your Pet

Pets are a lovable part of our lives. They are family members, they are friends, and they are protectors. Having animals by our sides has been a part of human history since the dawn of time. While humans have developed to be more advanced, and our technology much more advanced, animals have also evolved into less ferocious beasts.

We know a lot about pets like dogs and cats since we have been around them for so long, but there is still a lot that you might find mind blowing to learn about your dog.

If you want to learn some ridiculous information about your pet you might...
