Holidays are the best time to get more traffic on your website!

Authored by _anysmith_
Posted: Fri, 01/10/2020 - 10:22am

It's the most wonderful time of the year... for everyone! Christmas and New Year time is the happiest time of the year for most of the people on the planet.

This is when people make most of the shopping in the year. Everyone's buying presents for their beloved ones, for their family, for friends. This is also the time when all the shops and services offer sales. That's another reason for making the process of shopping more intense and vaster.

Considering the fact that people now prefer doing shopping online, most of the shops have their websites for an online shopping....

STC Expeditions announces trial of a four-day working week

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Fri, 01/10/2020 - 9:45am

Exeter based travel company, STC Expeditions, has announced it is conducting a 12-week trial of a four day working week, starting 6th January 2020. Founded in 2006, STC Expeditions is a specialist educational travel and school expedition company, arranging ethical and adventurous school trips to destinations across Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The trial will involve all full-time employees cutting their hours by 20% whilst retaining full pay. A rota system will ensure the office remains open as usual from Monday to Friday.

STC Expeditions director, Adrian Ferraro, says:...

2020: Kick Start a Decade of Mindfulness and Self-Care

Modern day society is increasingly fast-paced, chaotic and pressurized. Often, we neglect to give ourselves the time we need to relax and unwind. In general, we’re just not as kind to ourselves as we should be. Making more time for ourselves it vital, and if that’s something that you’re not particularly great at, you should push hard to make better self-care and mindfulness one of your goals for 2020. Reconnecting with nature, doing breathing exercises, keeping fit and eating a well-balanced diet will help you to feel your best both mentally and physically. In tandem with these things, and...

New to CBD? 5 surprising facts most don’t know

If you’re tired of feeling the weather change rather than enjoying it, this article is for you.

A simple solution spanning from stress to bodily aches stems from the recent interest spike in a compound called CBD. The numerous benefits of CBD oil may shock you for a few reasons. Most likely because this compound has mistakenly been carrying a negative connotation for years.

1. CBD Gets You High, Right?

Wrong. CDB otherwise known as Cannabidiol, is a natural compound from the Cannabis sativa plant. The Cannabis plant creates a substance called cannabinoids that...

Why people live an abstinent lifestyle

Not many people would voluntarily live an abstinent lifestyle. After all, it would be very hard to give up on the things that give you pleasure. But more and more people are seeing how abstinence from certain pleasures, like alcohol, for example, can prove to be beneficial for them.

Some do it in order to cleanse their system, and still, others see it as a new start in life. It may be hard for some, especially for those who are so used to drinking, but with the help of friends and for some, experts and counselors, they are able to learn how to quit drinking . And they are able to...

How to Sell a Car Fast

Is your car on its last leg? Are you looking to treat yourself with a vehicle upgrade in 2020? Adding an extra member to your family and need a third row?

Regardless of the reason for needing a new vehicle, you'll first need to sell your old one. Not only will this give you extra cash to fund the new car payment, but it will also free up room in your driveway!

If you're wondering how to sell a car fast without sacrificing top dollar, keep reading.

Clean Up the Vehicle

Wonder where to start when it comes to how to sell a car? The first step is to clean...

VAT – the Big Issue of the Post-Brexit World

VAT, as you may know, is an indirect tax that is applied to all sales – including business-to-consumer and business-to-business sales. At the moment, the laws of the European Union guide the VAT system of the UK.

In fact, the EU has its own VAT system that all of the member states use. However, once we enter the post-Brexit world, it goes without saying that VAT will change, probably for both businesses and consumers.

In short, business owners may soon have to use another type of VAT calculator in order to find out how much they have to pay for the goods that they import...

Entries sought for Devon’s best civil engineering work

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 01/10/2020 - 6:46am

Outstanding engineering projects of all shapes and sizes from across Devon are being sought for this year’s Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) South West Civil Engineering Awards.

The prestigious competition showcases the region’s best civil engineering work with categories for new and re-engineered projects, above and below £3 million. There are also awards for graduates and apprentices to reflect the bright new talent coming from the South West and special awards recognising community involvement, collaboration and projects making a significant contribution to the region’s...

Exeter Mum to become Pickled Person for a day

You don't have to be a bottle blond to join the outrageous Circus of Horrors but you may be asked to fit in a bottle.

The Circus of Horrors were looking for a new Pickled Person to join their show for their performances in Exeter Corn Exchange on the 22nd June.

All applicants thinking of auditioning will have to fit into a bottle measuring only 2' tall & 18'' in diameter, they must not suffer from claustrophobia and be able to squeeze into tight spaces.

After seeing the advert on Social Media Ashton Cole from Polsloe Bridge in Exeter decided she would jump at...

Affluent millennials in the South West aren’t waiting on the Bank of Mum and Dad

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 01/09/2020 - 8:35pm

Contrary to the common perception that working hard and saving is the attitude of a bygone era, new research reveals that wealthy millennials across the South West are more likely to have earned their money independently rather it being inherited or gifted.

A survey of 500 millennials with investable assets of £25,000 or more by Exeter-based law firm Michelmores LLP, counters the view that millennials are a generation reaping the hard work of the baby boomers. Michelmores’ research reveals that;

80 per cent of respondents in the South West say they have generated these...
