The Smart Spa Salon Software System

We are in an age where everyone expects things to be easily accessable and instant.

Both companies and individuals now depend heavily on their technological systems and smartphones to help run their businesses and personal lives.

This fast pace at which technology and innovation is advancing means that spa salons have to adapt to these advancements in order to stay competitive and keep up with the expectations of the mordern age and their customers.

Therefore, the best way to stay ahead of the competition is to install a system that can connect your technological...

International Day of Light Photo Competition

Authored by bhogan91
Posted: Wed, 04/24/2019 - 11:36pm

Exeter University Optics and Photonics Society are currently running an image competition to celebrate the UNESCO International Day of Light (IDL) 2019. They are inviting entries to the competition from the local community, so if you have an interest in photography, digital art or any other forms of image head to to find out more. They are offering up to £150 in prizes for the winners.

They are looking for images that highlight the importance of light to our lives, in accordance with the aims of the IDL. The IDL is a...

International Day of Light Photo Competition

Event Date: 
24/04/2019 - 11:15pm to 10/05/2019 - 11:45pm

As part of our celebration of the International Day of Light (IDL) 2019, Exeter University Optics and Photonics Society (EUOPS) are pleased to invite you to participate in our IDL 2019 Image Competition! You could win up to £150. We are looking for images that highlight the importance of light to our lives, in accordance with the aims of the IDL.

The IDL is a global initiative that provides an annual focal point for the continued appreciation of light and the role it plays in science, culture and art, education, and sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine,...

Plans for proposed development and creation of public open space in St Leonards to be unveiled at public consultation event

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 04/24/2019 - 3:39pm

Plans to transform Mount Radford Lawn in St Leonards into a boutique housing development with new public open space will be discussed at a public consultation event on Tuesday 7th May at Dean Clarke House, Southernhay East. UK charity, the Exeter Deaf Academy, has released ownership of Mount Radford Lawn, St Leonards, Exeter, in preparation for a move to its new premises in Exmouth. To ensure that value can be generated for their beneficiaries to assist with the creation of a new deaf academy, the charity has selected Burrington Estates as its preferred partner to redevelop the site. The...

Himalayan Trek with volunteering at Kathmandu Hospice

Trek and Volunteer in the Himalayas with Hospiscare in 2020

Authored by Hospiscare
Posted: Wed, 04/24/2019 - 1:08pm

Keen trekkers and those seeking an exciting challenge will want to put 7 - 18 November 2020 in their diaries and sign up to trek in the Himalayas with Hospiscare . Hospiscare will be holding a presentation evening on 30 July open to all to find out details at Searle House in Exeter at 6pm.

The 5-day trek will take place among majestic landscapes within sight of the snow-clad peaks of the Annapurna mountain range, where the views are truly awe-inspiring, and sunrise at Poon Hill, the highest point of the trek, is an unforgettable experience. Staying overnight in quaint, locally...

Teams Needed for Summer 6 a side league in Exeter

We have space for new teams for our Exeter 6 a side league starting in May 2019 to run through the Summer:

  • Teams can apply through our website at:
  • ...

Teignbridge keen to hear from public about new dog control measures

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 04/24/2019 - 10:08am

Teignbridge District Council are encouraging members of the public to have their say and get involved with a Review Group looking into the new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which came into effect on 1 April 2019.

As part of the new dog control measures a cross political party review group has been set up and held its first meeting last month. The purpose of the Review Group is to undertake a strategic review of the Council’s PSPO in relation to dog walking. In particular the Review Group will be reviewing the maximum number of dogs that can be walked at any one time by one...

How to build a competitive advantage when you’re all offering the same service

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Wed, 04/24/2019 - 8:44am

Businesses love to claim that their products or services have a definite USP. That there’s something that unmistakably makes them better than what their competitors offer. In reality, that’s often not the case. In many fields there are a huge number of firms which offer the same service to customers and clients.

Those companies still want to develop a competitive advantage over their rivals. They still need to show clients that they are the firm that should be trusted with their custom. That begs the question of how they can develop a competitive advantage. They can’t, after all...

Top food waste day: Brits throw away £494 million worth of food each week

Cooking is one of Britain’s favourite pastimes – we share pictures online, make food for our friends and family and consume cooking content at an astronomical rate. However, the UK still throws away an average £494 million worth of food each week, reveals research from recipe box company Gousto.

In an era where it seems like every possible step is taken to be environmentally and financially friendly, just under a third (31%) of Brits are concerned by the amount of food they waste. Half of Brits (50%) who are concerned about food waste say it’s because of the financial impacts, a...

Devon’s prescription for a naturally healthy lifestyle

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 04/24/2019 - 7:03am

People in Devon are being encouraged to get active this May and take steps towards a more naturally healthy lifestyle.

Enjoying Devon’s beautiful environment can have huge benefits for your wellbeing. There are lots of ways you can get involved; going for a wild swim, walk, cycle ride or just being somewhere outdoors where you feel happy!

Devon’s Local Nature Partnership (DLNP) is hoping that many of us will feel inspired to take advantage of the opportunities on offer around the county and reduce time we spend in the doctors waiting room!

“It is not a pill or...
