12 thoughtful gifts for hunters perfect for any occasion

There are so many benefits that come along with hunting.

Hunting provides people with food. It also helps control certain animal populations. And it even allows families and friends to form stronger bonds. When people hunt together, they're able to create connections they wouldn't have otherwise.

Do you know someone who enjoys taking advantage of all the benefits of hunting? Encourage them to hunt more by giving them one of the many gifts for hunters. They'll have even more fun hunting than they already do when they put your gifts to good use.

Take a look at 12...

Living Slowly: How To Implement “No-rush” Concept Into Daily Life

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Sat, 04/13/2019 - 5:21am

Does it feel like you constantly lack time to do everything you wanted or planned? Does it feel like the rhythm of our life is so much faster than we can actually stand? If in your life the answers to both questions are “yes”, maybe it is time to thinks things through once again. Our lives do accelerate but this does not mean that we should rush along. Maybe it is better to step off that fast-paced train of life and just take the time to enjoy the precious moment slowly.

Some people have come to the concept of slow-living to make sure that their existence is not a mere array of...

Help to count the birds and the bees at Killerton’s BioBlitz

On Sunday 28 April, the Killerton rangers need your help to count and learn about the creatures that live in Ashclyst Forest.

Come along to Caddihoe Scout Camp and help the team with some hands on bug hunting, flower counting and butterfly spotting at the BioBlitz day. Everything you help us find will be fed into a database to help understand more about which animals are living in the woods.

The day kicks off bright and early with a dawn chorus walk where you can enjoy the early morning bird song. Expert led walks and wildlife survey fun will then continue throughout the...

One of Devon’s librarians has gone missing!

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 04/12/2019 - 12:48pm

This Easter, Libraries Unlimited invites young people to help in the search for a missing Devon librarian.

Exeter, St Thomas and Topsham libraries are looking for people aged 12 and over (or younger, if accompanied by an adult) to help solve the mystery of The Lost Librarian , as part of a fun and interactive puzzle trail installed by Libraries Unlimited, thanks to funding from Arts Council England.

Molly Allison, a (fictional) member of the Exeter staff team was researching the secrets of the Exeter Witches, when she started to receive threats and her findings started to...

Mary Jane Campbell, new Managing Partner at Simpkins Edwards, and previous Managing Partner Lynn Woodward

New Managing Partner takes the reins at Simpkins Edwards

Leading Devon accountancy firm Simpkins Edwards is celebrating the appointment of its new Managing Partner Mary Jane Campbell. Mary Jane, who also leads the British Junior Carriage Driving Team in her spare time, is taking over the reins from Lynn Woodward who has been at the helm since 2012. Lynn will remain as a partner at the firm, focusing on her rural business and agricultural client base.

Commenting on her appointment Mary Jane Campbell said: “Lynn has shaped the firm over the past seven years. She has done an amazing job, putting us in a strong position to meet the needs of...

Social lunch club

Event Date: 
16/04/2019 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm
Buckerell Lodge Hotel

A social lunch at the Buckerell Lodge Hotel on the third Tuesday of the month starting 16 April 2019 at 12.30pm. Come and meet others in your community. All ages welcome. The hotel is offering 2 meals for £10. Come along on your own or with a friend/family member/neighbour. Please telephone the hotel to confirm your place. 0330 390 0490

Photo:  James Page

East Devon man takes on gruelling 8-day endurance event to raise funds for bereavement charity

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 04/12/2019 - 9:49am

An East Devon man is challenging himself to complete a gruelling endurance event to raise money for two charities, Child Bereavement UK and BigMoose. In June, James Page will be completing a Classic Continuous Deca Iron Triathlon event, which will see him do a 24-mile swim, 1120-mile cycle ride and a 262 mile run, in just 10 days or less. The current world record is 7 days 22 hours and the British record 8 days 6 hours.

James is no stranger to endurance events. He combines his busy job and family life with a hectic training schedule and has been doing triathlons since 2006. He has...

Police launch competition to tackle road collision delays

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 04/12/2019 - 6:17am

The Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC’s) for Devon and Cornwall and for Dorset, have been working with the Alliance Roads Policing Team to launch a nationwide competition to find innovative solutions to reduce the amount of time needed to record evidence at road traffic collision sites.

The goal is to find a technical solution which reduces evidential capture time by 50%. The competition, launched in collaboration with Exeter City Futures, offers a potential contract of up to £200,000 for the winning solution.

In 2017 1,226 people were killed or seriously injured in road...

Exeter Pride and Exeter Mosque panel discussion

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 04/11/2019 - 11:02pm

Exeter Pride in partnership with Inclusive Mosque Exeter is holding a Panel Discussion on Friday 26 April 2019 at Exeter Guildhall. The topic is Religion, Culture and Sexuality and is a timely opportunity to discuss the issues arising when people struggle to reconcile their faith or culture with their sexuality.

The doors will open at 6.30 pm with the Panel Discussion starting at 7.00 pm. The Panel members, from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds will each address the topic from their particular perspective. There will then be time for questions and answers.


Exeter School gives thanks on Founders' Day

Exeter School’s annual Founders’ Day Service was held at Exeter Cathedral on Wednesday 27 March.

The whole school, comprising over 920 boys and girls aged 7-18, staff and governors, gathered to give thanks to its founders in a beautiful service.

The Dean of Exeter, the Very Reverend Jonathan Greener, reflected on dealing with weakness and how it can become a strength.

The service was conducted by the School Chaplain, Revd Tom Carson.

Huw Phillips, Isobel Cann, William Maynard, Maria Turnbull Pomares from the Junior School led the intercessions beautifully...
