Do you have a gap between the think and the do of your strategy?
Do you have lots of great ideas and opportunities but lack the time to implement them effectively?
Do your team fully understand your business strategy, so they are working effectively to help you achieve the success you deserve?
Strategic planning is key to driving business success. A business without an organic strategy that is regularly reviewed and updated will quickly be overtaken by its competitors.
Life is certainly changing at an unprecendented pace. We are all having to work hard to keep up with this pace in a world that is volatile and uncertain.
Many business owners are struggling to remain motivated in times of constant change as it is stressful, challenging and demanding.
Sampson Hall are proven experts in helping individuals and businesses to adapt and thrive in such a world, there are always opportunities, in even the most difficult of situations.
If you identify with this and would like to find out more about how you can:
Succession is one of the key challenges in any business, do it badly and the business fails, do it well and the business thrives. This session will help you to devise a means of identifying potential successors, whilst also ensuring your leadership teams are balanced for todays challenging world.
Not everyone needs to be at the peak of Mental Toughness, but understanding where you are and how to improve both your hardiness and resilience are key to a successful future....
How often do you look strategically at your business?
Many people don’t look at their business strategically often enough. By becoming too engaged in the detail they use common and normally financial metrics to measure progress and success. The end of the year offers an excellent opportunity to intelligently review how far you have come and what you will need to change to achieve the outcome that you want. This may mean looking at your business completely differently...
Leaders need to be aware of the risks that exist within their organisation and they need to understand how the risk process works and have confidence that they will be made aware of the risks whenever it becomes necessary. Getting to use and understand risk can give an organisation a real advantage over its competitors. Risks include human, operational, reputational, procedural, financial, technical, natural, political and structural.
How do you ensure that your business continues to succeed?
How can I use strategic risk management to protect my business?
“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”
Getting your business to the top is a challenge, ensuring that it stays there and continues to enjoy success is another challenge and both require consideration and processes in place to safeguard their progress.
In order to stay at the top business leaders need to be aware of the risks that exist within their organisation and how they can combat them. Leaders need to understand how the risk...
Does your culture influence your organisations leadership style?
Do you take your culture into account when designing your future strategy?
A business that aligns its culture with its leadership and strategy is one that is destined to succeed particularly if it is also in tune with the environment it exists within.
This session will allow you to understand the importance of culture, leadership and strategy to your business and the benefits that aligning them will bring to your business in terms of competitive advantage.
Culture is the dominant force in many modern businesses. It stops progress, prevents leaders from leading and fights change initiatives, if it is allowed to.
This session will allow you to understand the benefits of defining and mapping your organisation’s culture and the best methods of developing or changing it.
You will see return on investment as you will return to your workplace with tools that you will be able to utilise and use immediately.
Do you have a gap between the think and the do of your strategy?
Strategic planning is key to driving business success. A business without an organic strategy that is regularly reviewed and updated will quickly be overtaken by its competitors.
A strategically aware business will be in tune with its environment, ahead of its competition and be able to influence its growth and development.
You will see return on investment as you will return to your workplace with tools that you will be able to utilise and use immediately...
Has your business succeeded because of, or in spite of, your leadership?
How do you improve as a leader?
A business needs strategic leadership to thrive, succeed and to gain the greatest performance from its staff and resources. This session will help you to understand the importance of business leadership, define your own leadership style and measure your ability to lead a business against your own criteria.
Good leadership is about motivating and influencing your people to achieve more than the constraints and controls of management will allow; good management...