A Fresh Look at Your Business for 2017
Do you know how successful your business is?
What metrics do you use to measure your business?
How often do you look strategically at your business?
Many people don’t look at their business strategically often enough. By becoming too engaged in the detail they use common and normally financial metrics to measure progress and success. The end of the year offers an excellent opportunity to intelligently review how far you have come and what you will need to change to achieve the outcome that you want. This may mean looking at your business completely differently.
You will see return on investment as you will return to your workplace with tools that you will be able to utilise and use immediately.
This session will enable attendees to:
- Understand the importance of working in and not on your business
- How to continuously improve
- Setting goals and maintaining momentum
- How money may be just one of the metrics to measure your business
If you are in a position of leadership wanting to achieve, or continue to achieve, business success this course is for you!
The Sampson Hall team are dynamic, knowledgeable and inspiring presenters, the session will be interactive and challenging. You will be surrounded by likeminded individuals and will come away enthused and energised. Interaction and learning from one another is positively encouraged.
“Excellent strategy process, enabling clear and direct thought processes, clear and concise language, easy to engage into.”
Julie Brown, Owner, Partners in Payroll
Price includes À la carte Breakfast and all course materials.
Book Now Places limited to allow for interaction and discussion