David Davies

A Night at the Opera

Event Date: 
06/05/2015 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm
St James Church, Exeter EX4 7AH

Join Exeter Choral Society for a Night at the Opera on Wednesday 6 May 2015.

Exeter Choral Society will be performing Puccini Messa di Gloria and popular operatic choruses and arias, under the direction of Laurence Blyth.

Welsh tenor Andrew Henley will be making a welcome return, taking time out of a Glyndebourne season to join us. We also look forward to hearing local soloists Heloise West and Julian Rippon.

The concert is supporting local charity, Headway Devon, which helps people with acquired brain injury, from illness such as meningitis or accident.


Exeter Bach Society Music in May

Event Date: 
11/05/2013 - 7:30pm
St Marks Church, Pinhoe Road, Exeter

A concert celebration of summer by the Exeter Bach Society choir including madrigals, folk songs, and Morten Lauridsen’s O Magnum Mysterium.

‘Music in May’ will be conducted by David Davies, our musical director and Assistant Director of Music at Exeter Cathedral, and the concert will take place in St Mark’s Church, Pinhoe Road, Exeter.

Tickets cost £8 and are available from Phoenix Ticket Agency, Gandy Street (01392 667080) or online via our website www.exeterbachsociety.org.uk , or by phoning Roger Churchward on 01392 468867 - or also at the door.

John Nettles to speak at Cathedral's Diamond Jubilee Grand Nave Dinner

Authored by skein
Posted: Wed, 09/26/2012 - 1:13pm
On 12 October, Exeter Cathedral is hosting its Diamond Jubilee Grand Nave Dinner in support of the Third Millennium Campaign, which ensures that the Cathedral and its mission are sustained for the future. John Nettles is kindly giving his time to entertain the dinner guests with readings drawn from the archives and there will be music from David Webb, a former chorister, who is now forging a professional career together with the Cathedral's own musicians, choristers and the Devon County Junior choir. Tickets have been sold out, but there is a waiting list should there be any returns so do get...