
National Stalking Awareness Week

IS IT STALKING? That is the vital question being addressed in a new awareness film being released by the UK’s leading personal safety charity to launch National Stalking Awareness Week (20 -24 April 2015)

With 1 in 6 women and 1 in 12 men being stalked at some point in their lives* the film, commissioned by charity Suzy Lamplugh Trust, helps to educate the public about what stalking is and to make clear it’s not romantic, trivial or funny, its worrying, serious and illegal.

The two-minute animated film, ‘This is Stalking’ looks at what stalking is and the different ways it...

Warming seas risk for fishy favourites

Popular North Sea fish such as haddock, plaice and lemon sole could become less common on our menus because they will be constrained to preferred habitat as seas warm, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change.

Fish distributions are limited by water temperature and some species can only thrive in certain habitats and depths. In the last 40 years the North Sea has warmed four times faster than the global average and further warming is predicted over the coming century, leading fisheries scientists to study how this will impact on commercial species.


Saks to open in Plymouth

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Sun, 04/19/2015 - 10:44pm

Saks, the UK’s favourite salon group, has welcomed another salon to its ever-increasing network.

Saks Plymouth, based in the Virgin Active Devonshire Club, will be opening the doors of their new salon at Virgin Active, Plymbridge Lane, Derriford at the beginning of May.

Ellie and Tom Wilson are already the successful franchisees of Saks Exeter - this year's Saks Hair Salon of the Year. Their multi-award winning and thriving salon in Princesshay, Exeter shows the quality and standard of excellence to expect from the new hair and beauty salon in Plymouth. Their passion and...

Paws for Thought family dog show

Event Date: 
25/04/2015 - 10:00am
Westpoint Arena, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ

Hounds First Sighthound Recue will be holding a Family Dog Show at Westpoint in Exeter on Saturday (25 April 2015) from 10am-5pm. Showing is from11am.

Hounds First Sighthound Recue have been chosen one of a small number of charities to hold an event after entering a competition to mark Westpoint’s 25th anniversary.

Paws for Thought is an event for the whole family. Entry to the event will be free, but there will be donation buckets on the gate. There will be an entry fee of £1 per class for the dog show. All proceeds from the show going to Hounds First Sighthound Rescue, to...

Free photography course in Exeter

Meridian Raw, a local social enterprise, is offering 20 places on a free 14-week photography course for the local Exeter community.

The course, which will take place every Friday from 1st May until 31st July 2015 (10am-1pm) at Exeter Community Centre will help participants create a photo-stories and photographic theme on a topics that inspire them.

Working in a safe environment within small groups, participants will also learn and develop basic camera skills, take part in inspiring photo-dialogue exercises, go on a photography trip and multi-cultural tour, plan a project...

Funeral costs set to rise

After decades of the number of deaths in the UK falling, 2015 will mark a “tipping point” where the historic trend starts to reverse: as the oldest of the babyboomer generation move through their later years deaths are predicted to rise by 20%.

This trend reversal will have significant implications for current forecasts of funeral costs and highlights a growing need for families to broach the delicate subject of end of life expenses.

The findings form part of a new report commissioned by mutual, OneFamily, which incorporates Family Investments and Engage Mutual, and...

Have you registered to vote yet?

It's not too late to register for a vote in next month's elections.

People have until the end of Monday (20 April) to make sure that they are on the electoral register.

A General Election will take place on Thursday 7 May to elect the Member of Parliament for the Exeter Constituency as well as elections for 13 seats on Exeter City Council.

Jeff Chalk, Electoral Services Manager said: “People must be on the electoral register to have their say on who sits on the City Council and who represents them in government. For those who have recently moved to the area, or...

Double silver for Otter Brewery

Silver anniversary celebrations continue for Otter Brewery with silver at the South West’s largest beer festival.

Otter Head has won Silver in the 'Strong Bitters & Pale Ales' class at SIBA's 23rd South West Beer Competition.

Brewed by Otter Brewery in the Blackdown Hills near Honiton, the beer was entered for judging as part of the 2015 beer festival – an event that takes place at Tuckers Maltings in Newton Abbot each year.

Otter Head is the strongest of the five core beers produced by the brewery, all of which are made using natural ingredients and their own...

Kim raises £5k for disease research

Renal patient Kim Balsdon, 21 from Patchacott, has raised £5,000 for rare disease charity atypical Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome UK (aHUSUK) by completing a 50 mile sponsored walk.

Kim, who suffers from aHUS herself, walked from Illand near Launceston to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital over three days.

Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS) is a rare disease that causes blood clots to form in the filtering units of the kidneys. In most cases it is genetic in origin and it can rapidly cause kidney failure.

On Rare Disease Day (28th Feb) Kim began the first leg...

Oyez! Devon town crier to compete in Bermuda

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 04/17/2015 - 5:11pm

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez! Stephen Cunliffe from Dawlish is competing in the Bermuda International Town Crier Competition 2015 next week.

Twenty-five town criers from the UK and Canada are preparing to descend upon Bermuda to compete in the third annual competition.

In a tradition dating back to the 18th century, Town Criers have always been elaborately dressed - their signature red and gold coats, white breeches and black boots are completed with a tricorne hat and a trademark hand bell to draw people’s attention. Typically they were the only means of communication with townsfolk...
