The housing market in Exeter has been given an early spring boost following news that buyers will have their best opportunity ever to secure a low mortgage rate in the next few months.
Housebuilder Barratt Homes says that figures from the Bank of England and advice from mortgage brokers are set to give buyers the confidence to make a move sooner rather than later.
“It looks like spring has come early to the housing market,’’ said Barratt managing director Paul Moran. “A combination of low interest rates, new mortgage products and schemes such as Help to Buy are really...
Teignbridge District Council's share of the Council Tax remains unchanged for the sixth year in a row after Full Council approved budget plans for the coming financial year.
Prudent financial management, ongoing savings and additional income identified through a series of internal business challenge reviews have contributed to maintain front line services whilst absorbing cuts in grant funding from Government.
The final financial plans 2015/16 include:
A continued Council Tax freeze of Teignbridge’s portion of the bill, keeping the average Band D price for
A book that helped King Henry VIII to build his case against the Pope, and annul his marriage to his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, has been discovered at the National Trust’s Lanhydrock in Cornwall. Now the book is to be the centrepiece of a new exhibition at the house where visitors will be able to see rare and unusual works with Royal themes from Lanhydrock’s library. Dated 1495, the book is a summary of works by philosopher and theologian William of Ockham who was a major figure in medieval intellectual and political thought. To help Henry VIII to gather evidence to support an...
An old people's warden service threatened with being axed because of a funding shortfall looks set to be saved by Exeter City Council.
Devon County Council recently announced that it was withdrawing funding for the warden service for residents in older persons' accommodation because of pressures on its budget.
But the City Council - who manage the accommodation - has stepped in with an offer to fund the service after residents said how much they valued the support.
The warden service provides support to residents living in older persons' accommodation, carrying out...
Internationally renowned music icon Bob Dylan will have a vibrant selection of his art on show in Exeter in a retrospective exhibition that brings together works released annually from 2008 to 2014, all from his critically-acclaimed collection: The Drawn Blank Series. All of the pieces are hand-signed by the artist.
The exhibition at Castle Galleries in the city will be showcasing the best of Bob Dylan’s art released over the last six years – inspired while he was on the road from 1989 to 1992 - and will be on display at the Cathedral Yard venue, from Saturday 28th February, for...
The Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust is launching a recruitment drive to enhance the nursing and therapy teams which care for people in community hospitals and at home across Exeter, Mid and East Devon.
The Trust is looking to attract experienced and newly-qualified nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists to work across its acute and community services, which also span North Devon.
The Trust is holding recruitment open days at North Devon District Hospital, Barnstaple, on Monday 16 March and at Tiverton and District Hospital on Monday 23 March, both from...
A return of this hugely popular production by a very talented company.
Four of Swords Theatre invites you on a daring expedition into the deepest darkness of the human soul with ambitious stagecraft, spectacular video projection and haunting live music set within the House.
Pre-performance drinks in the Chapel from 6pm and 8pm.
You will be collected in a group from the Chapel.
No late entry!
The 30 strong audience will be standing and moving around the House throughout the one hour performance.
Dr Richard Scrivener, formerly of the British Geological Survey, will talk about tin mining in the South West from the early Bronze Age to Devon’s new metal mine at Hemerdon in south Devon, a world class tungsten-tin deposit set to commence production in 2015.
On Tuesday 17 February 2015 an internal misconduct hearing was held in respect of a serving police sergeant.
A member of the public had made a complaint that the sergeant had been seen engaging in sexual activity with another, in a public place whilst on duty.
The sergeant admitted the allegation and that his behaviour amounted to gross misconduct.
The sergeant was dismissed from the police service without notice.
Assistant Chief Constable Russ Middleton said: “We expect the highest standards of professional behaviour from all of our officers and staff. The...