
Devon to move up to Tier 3

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 12/30/2020 - 4:17pm

The government has reviewed the tier restrictions, and Devon is to move up to Tier 3 from Thursday 31 December.

That means:

  • You must not meet socially indoors with anybody who you do not live with, or you are not in a support bubble with*.
  • You must not meet socially outdoors (in a private garden or at most outdoor public venues) with anybody who you do not live with, or you are not in a support bubble with*.

There are some legal exemptions to both, so if you are meeting with friends or family, you must follow the guidance on...

covid, coronavirus, vaccinations, Exeter

More coronavirus vaccination sites begin operating in Devon

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 12/29/2020 - 9:09pm

More coronavirus vaccination centres began seeing patients today (29 December), with facilities opening in North Devon and Exeter.

Two centres run by local GPs opened their doors in Barnstaple and Exeter while North Devon District Hospital will joined the network of hospital hubs delivering vaccinations.

At North Devon District Hospital, in Barnstaple, patients aged 80 and above who are already attending hospital as an outpatient will be among those offered the vaccine and any appointments not used for priority groups will be used for healthcare workers who are at...

Starving rats in Exeter feast on discarded Christmas leftovers

A pest controller in Exeter is issuing a stark warning to householders to be more careful with Christmas leftovers, after a surge in rat problems caused by a “perfect storm” of carelessly discarded Christmas food waste, cold weather and the skyrocketing population of urban rats this year.

“The problems are huge – the rat population in Exeter going into Winter was 25% higher than last year, and we are entering a cold period – rats are moving around trying to find food and shelter – many are attacking domestic bins, and anyone being careless about their Christmas rubbish will pay...


Devon Tesco shoppers donate 9,000 meals to those in need this Christmas

Generous Tesco shoppers across Devon have been thanked after donating 8,990 meals to feed people in their communities amid this year’s Covid-19 pandemic.

During the annual Tesco Food Collection at the end of November, local shoppers donated enough packets, tins and boxes to help the Trussell Trust and FareShare in their vital work.

An additional Tesco Food Collection held in the summer means that local shoppers have donated many more meals through Tesco Food Collections this year. Tesco topped up all customer donations to the collection by 20%.

Tesco’s Head of...

Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust

Charity’s new website connects with Dartmoor’s ponies and its landscape

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 12/27/2020 - 11:33pm

The Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust (DPHT) will gallop into 2021 with a fabulous new website making it easier for its valued supporters to keep up to date with and understand the charity’s crucial work in securing the future of native Dartmoor Ponies.

At the core of the charity’s work is its desire to inspire and connect people with Dartmoor’s wildlife, landscape and heritage. To do this, it provides innovative education and conservation opportunities so that everyone can learn more about the plight of moorland ponies, its crucial role in Dartmoor’s ecology and in helping to shape...

Icy conditions possible on Christmas Day followed by Storm Bella on Boxing Day

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 12/24/2020 - 1:20pm

Widespread freezing conditions could impact Devon’s roads on Christmas Day, while Boxing Day could see the county battered by gale force winds and heavy rain.

Devon County Council is warning that following the recent downpours, tonight’s cold snap could create icy patches tomorrow morning (25 December).

With road surface temperatures expected to drop below -3°C by tomorrow morning, gritting teams will be salting from this afternoon and overnight. Freezing roads are likely to be present in the county from 6pm this evening until 10am tomorrow morning, with any ice that...

NSPCC, children, Devon

Referrals from NSPCC helpline about child abuse double in the South West - sparking Christmas warning

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 12/24/2020 - 12:29pm

Concerns about child abuse have soared since national lockdown measures were first introduced, the NSPCC has found – with the average monthly number of referrals from the charity’s helpline on the issue increasing by over 100% in the South West.

The NSPCC has analysed its data from April to November and has found that the level of concern about emotional abuse, neglect, and physical abuse remain well above the pre-pandemic average.

Since April, the helpline has received 31,359 contacts from adults across the UK anxious about child abuse or neglect, referring half (50%)...

Taylor Wimpey, Exeter Foodbank

Taylor Wimpey helps vulnerable people in Devon this Christmas

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Wed, 12/23/2020 - 8:57pm

Taylor Wimpey Exeter has helped to feed and house vulnerable people across Devon this Christmas by pledging £3,000 worth of support to three county charities.

Staff chose to give £1,000 each to foodbanks in Exeter and Plymouth, as well as to St Petrock’s, Exeter's charity for people who are homeless or vulnerably housed.

Members of the charity committee also created food collection points at their head office in Exeter and the Cranbrook and Sherford developments, on the outskirts of Exeter and Plymouth. Thanks to kind donations from staff, suppliers and customers, vital...

New contractors to roll out fibre broadband across region

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 12/23/2020 - 3:07pm

Three companies have been selected to roll-out full fibre broadband networks on behalf of the Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) programme, backed by Government funding. Airband, Truespeed and Wessex Internet will be installing full fibre broadband across Devon and Somerset to more than 56,000 rural homes and businesses over the next four years. The combined public and private sector investment of around £80million will be in the vanguard of the Government’s ambitions to build a Gigabit capable network across the UK. The three companies all have experience of working in the region and,...

Legal & General

Love thy neighbour: Over 50s take the lead in caring for their communities during UK lockdowns

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 12/22/2020 - 11:19pm

During what has been a year we won’t forget, local communities have been forced to come together and help each other through some of the toughest times many people have ever faced. However, throughout it all, one age group in particular has really stepped up to care for their local communities: the over 50s.

Neighbourhood spirit might seem a thing of the past, but the over 50s have done more favours for their neighbours during lockdown periods than any other age group, with 29% proudly admitting to doing so, compared to only 15% of people aged 20 and under.

The over 50s...
