
The Donkey Sanctuary donates personal protection equipment to local NHS

The Donkey Sanctuary has donated personal protection equipment (PPE) to local NHS teams and social care providers in the South West, to help them deal with the coronavirus outbreak

In line with government guidelines, the charity asked its non-donkey-facing staff to work from home, as a result of less people on its sites, the organisation had spare PPE that they have donated to NHS workers and local organisations and groups providing community health care.

The vet team at the international animal welfare charity based in Sidmouth, Devon have also worked closely with The...

Torquay penguins inspire novel

Torquay penguins inspire novel

Authored by Paigntonzoo
Posted: Tue, 03/31/2020 - 1:52pm

Living Coasts, in Torquay, famous for its penguins, has helped inspire a novelist to write a book featuring penguins – published by Penguin.

The novel, by Exmoor-based writer Hazel Prior, is called Away With The Penguins. Living Coasts' Senior Keeper, Jason Keller, helped Hazel with her research into hand-rearing baby penguins.

Away With The Penguins has been described as a life-affirming adventure featuring a cranky older lady and a lot of very engaging penguins. Living Coasts spokesperson Phil Knowling said: “We’re used to people carrying out research here – but it’s...

STEM Women launch unique virtual careers fairs to overcome coronavirus cancellations

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 03/31/2020 - 1:06pm

In the current climate, it has become almost impossible for companies to meet, interview and recruit new candidates. However, as summer approaches, another year of students are set to graduate and many of them will still be actively searching for job opportunities amid the chaos of COVID-19.

To overcome these unprecedented times, STEM Women have launched unique Weekly Online Careers Events. Beginning on 1st April and continuing each Wednesday afternoon in April, these virtual events will give employers the platform to reach out to pre-screened, virtual sign ups based on their...

City Vets

CityVets Exeter maintains vital veterinary service for pet owners during pandemic

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 03/31/2020 - 10:42am

Exeter based, independent veterinary practice CityVets, are reassuring all pet owners that they are open for emergencies, patients requiring urgent treatment, medication and pet food throughout the pandemic, come what may.

CityVets has four practices in Exeter, however, at this time two of the branches - the Alphington and Whipton practices have been temporarily closed. The Heavitree Veterinary Hospital and the St Thomas (101 Buddle Lane) branch remain open for phone advice, enquiries and emergency appointments and treatment.

Veterinary practices are classified as...

The Importance Of Washing Your Face

Failing to wash your face is going to increase your chances of developing skin problems in this area. Simultaneously, you may get sick. If you’re serious about maintaining your perfect complexion and you want to be safe, you should wash your face regularly. Doing so will put your mind at ease and make a world of difference. Many people do not wash their faces regularly and they’ll regret their decisions. Below, you’re going to learn more about the importance of washing your face.

Skin Care Routine

There is a good chance that you follow a skincare routine religiously. If this is...

Support needed to keep Marie Curie Nurses on the frontline in the South West, through the Coronavirus crisis

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 03/30/2020 - 6:21pm

Across the UK, Marie Curie is gearing up to care for hundreds of additional dying patients requiring end of life care, in order to relieve the unprecedented pressure on the NHS during the Coronavirus crisis. With the number of cases rapidly increasing in the South West, local Marie Curie Nursing teams are working harder than ever.

Given the choice, people overwhelmingly say they would prefer to die in their own home, or in a hospice, rather than a hospital. End of life patients who do not want to be in hospital need to be moved to a more appropriate setting, as beds in critical...

Councils identify alternative accommodation to help the NHS

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 03/30/2020 - 6:02pm

Councils are identifying accommodation that could, if required, be turned into temporary care facilities for people when they’re ready to leave hospital, to relieve pressure on the NHS.

The accommodation could also be used to temporarily house additional staff being recruited into healthcare, or staff being redeployed to frontline care roles.

Hospitals everywhere are under considerable pressure due to coronavirus (COVID-19), therefore it’s important that patients remain in them only for as long as they require specialist care.

When they’re well enough to no...

Service department at Bristol Street Motors open to support key owkrs to stay on the move

Vertu Motors is opening the vast majority of service departments to ensure that key workers and vehicles critical to the country during the pandemic can continue their vital work.

The service departments at Bristol Street Motors Exeter Renault and Hyundai and Exeter Van Centre ar open.

Anyone classed by the government as a keyworker, or vehicles such as utilities, emergency services and food and necessary goods distributors will be able to access servicing and repairs. Where possible this will be extended to vulnerable people who need to stay mobile.


Exeter Chiefs Foundation grant £100,000 in Exeter to offer help during coronavirus outbreak

New support service launched in Exeter to offer help during coronavirus outbreak

The Exeter Chiefs Foundation are today granting a six-figure sum to help back a new support service which has been launched in the city to help people through the current coronavirus outbreak.

Exeter Community Wellbeing – which has been set up by Exeter City Council and Wellbeing Exeter – will offer help and support to communities, including those individuals who are self-isolating as a result of the virus.

As part of its commitment to help the city during these unprecedented times...

Devon and Cornwall’s creative communities invited to show that “home is where the art is”

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Mon, 03/30/2020 - 12:16pm

A playful and innovative set of new small-scale arts commissions, designed to harness Devon and Cornwall’s creative talents by showing that ‘home is where the arts is’, have been launched.

Arts and Culture, University of Exeter has partnered with the Exeter Phoenix, Kaleider and Exeter Northcott Theatre to unveil this new initiative to encourage freelance artists across Devon and Cornwall to unleash their creativity - using inspiration found only in their homes.

The project, called ‘Hyperlocal’, is offering 10 micro-commissions for artists working with any discipline -...
