Devon, Somerset and Torbay Trading Standards is warning people to be wary of suspicious emails as fraudsters attempt to exploit the spread of coronavirus.
Since last month the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has identified 21 reports across Britain where coronavirus was mentioned with victims losing over £800,000 in total.
Ten of these reports were made by victims attempting to purchase protective face masks from fraudulent sellers. In one instance a victim reported losing more than £15,000.
None of the reports have been in the Devon, Somerset or Torbay area....
A turf cutting has been held to mark the start of the first phase of the £13 million Devon County Council scheme upgrading the A382 at Newton Abbot.
Work is currently underway on earthwork, vegetation clearance and utility service diversion as part of the improvements to the link from Newton Abbot to the A38 at Drumbridges roundabout.
The project involves realigning and widening the route between Forches Cross and Whitehill Cross, and a new roundabout will be developed at Ringslade Road.
The upgraded road will improve safety and provide additional capacity to...
The world’s number one selling brand in home pregnancy and fertility tests has donated pregnancy kits – for orang utans.
The Clearblue brand helps over 20 million women every year – and now, a couple of broody female Bornean orang utans… Keepers at Paignton Zoo in Devon approached Clearblue because they hope their orang utans will breed this year.
Senior Head Keeper of Mammals Rob Rouse said: “We now have a male who is old enough to breed. As part of the European Endangered species Programme for Bornean orang utans, we’d like them to be trying for babies, but we need to...
A local development order (LDO) is being proposed for district heating networks in the area to the east of Exeter, in and around the Exeter and East Devon Enterprise Zone.
The LDO is a way for East Devon District Council, as the Local Planning Authority, to put in place a simplified planning system by granting planning consent for development as specified. LDOs encourage economic development and investment by improving the speed and predictability of development proposals.
If it is approved, the LDO means underground pipework and small units above-ground could be installed...
Devon County Council Leader John Hart today pledged the authority will do whatever it can to support residents and communities through the Coronavirus outbreak.
“This is an unprecedented situation and many residents will be deeply worried about themselves, their families and how they are going to cope over the coming weeks," he said.
“I want to assure everyone that the whole council is working flat out alongside our partners in the NHS, districts and others to make sure we put everything we can in place to help people through this.
Two organisations in the East Devon estuary town of Topsham are working together during the Corona crisis to provide essential information and inspiration for local people, and especially those in need of support during self-isolation.
The two are Estuary League of Friends - a hugely-respected charity based in the town, and Love Topsham, a group of volunteers who run a Community Interest Company focused on encouraging local business and community-based initiatives.
Estuary League of Friends who normally work with local social care services to provide help and support to the...
The three South West zoos run by regional conservation charity Wild Planet Trust have a defiant message for coronavirus: “It’s business as usual”.
Staff and volunteers are prepared for the impact of coronavirus, but at this time the charity zoos remain open. Zoo spokesperson Phil Knowling said: “We’re monitoring the situation closely and will naturally continue to follow the advice of Public Health England and the Government. We will close if directed or if we no longer have the people to operate safely, but right now WE ARE OPEN!
Following the government’s announcement yesterday, and the ongoing daily developments in regard to Coronavirus, the decision has been made to postpone the nationwide Learn to Play Day events that were planned for the weekend of 28th/29th March 2020.
Paul McManus, CEO of Music for All, the organisers of Learn to Play Day, said:
“The safety of all event organisers and participants is of the utmost importance to us. This is a very current and fast-changing situation with the risks to people's health likely to escalate alongside growing public concern. We understand that this...
Almost 200 Ash dieback infected trees in Mid Devon will be felled later this month (March).
Devon County Council has identified 190 infected trees in the Bickleigh area that need to be removed for safety reasons.
The County Council has been liaising with private landowners and will carry out the tree felling on their behalf in order to minimise disruption to the travelling public. Previous felling work in the Bickleigh area in February 2018 removed around 60 trees.
To date, Devon County Council has dealt with over 1,000 roadside trees infected with Ash Dieback, or...
An app that simplifies text for students with dyslexia and learning difficulties and a robot friend for those with anxiety and autism are just two of the final ideas in the running to win the £25,000 Longitude Explorer Prize.
The prize calls on the UK’s young people to put their ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit to the test and use technology – such as artificial intelligence (AI) – for social good. They have been challenged to create and develop solutions to some of the world’s biggest issues, including climate change, living healthier lives, and an ageing population.