A new website will give landlords in Devon a unique chance to have their say during the General Election campaign.
Developed by the Residential Landlords Association, the site is a hub for all information landlords will need including the policies of all the main parties; exclusive articles from them on their plans for the private rented sector; and key facts about the market.
The site also gives landlords an easy to use tool to find candidates in their area and email them on issues of particular concern to them and to outline key proposals in the RLA’s manifesto for the...
The National Trust, RSPB and The Wildlife Trusts are calling on people across the West Country to put nature at the heart of debate in the run up to May’s General Election and encourage candidates to support nature.
Together the three charities have produced South West Nature 2015 - a new website that details landscapes, wildlife and the issues these face, across all 55 Westminster constituencies in the South West.
Speaking for the partnership, Harry Barton (CEO of Devon Wildlife Trust) said; “Nature is the missing issue from this general election. We need greater political...
With election manifestos due to be published at the end of March, leading local advice charity Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau is promoting the Citizens’ manifesto.
The Citizens’ manifesto calls on the next Government to address three key issues relating to:
Family finances
Fairer markets, and
Advice for the future
Steve Barriball, Chief Executive of Exeter CAB said: “The UK is going through a big period of change; from welfare reform to the payday lending market, and the cost of housing. Life is getting increasingly complicated and...
In their newly published letter ‘Who is my Neighbour?’ the Bishops of the Church of England call on us to draw on our deeper consciences as we approach the General Election in May.
In particular they rightly call us to reassess the policies the political parties are offering us in terms of values.
How will this policy impact on the weakest in society? How will this affect future generations? Will this action bring about justice, peace and reconciliation? What makes for the common good? What kind of society do we expect to live in? It seems to me that at this time there are...
National Voter Registration Day is on Thursday 5 February 2015 during a UK-wide week of national action (2-8 February) to inspire people to register to vote.
The day is organised by Bite the Ballot, which aims to empower young people to stand up and make their voices heard through better political education and to ensure that this important group register to vote.
East Devon District Council is aware that there are still people across the district who have not registered to vote, including many young people, and we hope they will take action on National Voter Registration...
Tuesday saw the launch of Make Your Mark, the UK Youth Parliament's annual ballot of the public, giving young people their say on what is debated by their Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs) in the House of Commons on 14 November.
The ballot will decide which five topics from a shortlist of ten will be debated in the chamber by elected MYPs. The debate will be chaired by The Rt. Hon. John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, recorded in Hansard and broadcast live on BBC Parliament. From these, the Youth Parliament will choose its priority campaigns for the year ahead....
Hundreds of students and members of the Pakistani community gathered on Monday outside the embassy in London to protest against the recent vote in Pakistan, which they say was rigged.
Last Saturday's election saw the victory of Nawaz Sharif, the head of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).
Sharif denied allegations of rigging and asked Imran Khan, former national cricket captain and leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party (PTI), to "show the sportsman's spirit" and to accept his defeat.
In Pakistan hundreds of PTI supporters held demonstrations in Lahore and...
President Barack Obama secured a second term in the White House, beating Republican challenger Mitt Romney, after winning the crucial battleground state of Ohio which helped him surpass the 270 mark of required electoral votes, according to projections.
"We're all in this together. That's how we campaigned, and that's who we are. Thank you," Obama wrote in a message on the social networking website Twitter, moments after American news networks projected his re-election.
In his victory speech before supporters in Chicago, Mr Obama said he would talk to Mr Romney about "where...
Police governance is changing. In November 2012 your local police authority will be abolished and replaced by Devon and Cornwall’s first Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
There will be one Police and Crime Commissioner covering Devon (including Torbay and Plymouth), Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The PCC election will take place on Thursday 15 November 2012.
The Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) will:
Be singularly accountable to you for the policing of Devon and Cornwall
Peter Hartland, Chief Executive of Plymouth and Devon Chamber of Commerce said: “I would like to congratulate the Conservative Party on their election victory in the South West. “Businesses in all parts of the United Kingdom and particularly the South West want to see a pro-growth, pro-enterprise programme – building on the positive steps taken, and lessons learned, during the Coalition years. In order to continue the overall steady growth we have seen in the region, we need the next government to continue its work of cutting the deficit, in tandem with making significant investment in our...