Guest speaker and former Express & Echo editor Marc Astley spoke to us about his latest venture - a daily online news and information service- The Exeter Daily.
The Exeter Daily launched on October 8 and will carry regular news updates as well as what's on, sport and business information.
Marc explained how businesses, in particular, are able to use the site for free as part of their marketing strategy.
As always, this networking event attracted a huge crowd and was held at the Mercure Southgate Hotel in central Exeter.
The Director's Breakfast Forum will be taking place on Tuesday 14 May.
The meeting is open to the directors of small companies, with 20 employees or less. The meeting provides a confidential forum that enables attendees to bring discussion points and speak candidly about issues they face and share experiences and best practice.
Examples of previous topics of discussion include: staffing, marketing and PR, investment and funding, skill development, genearl busiess concerns and issues. Due to the nature of this meeting, it is imperative that attendees are from different...
The next Chamber Networking Lunch will be taking place on 15 May 2013 at the Southgate Hotel.
The speaker at this event will be Paul Thomas, Head of Trading Standards.
Paul will give an update on trading standards delivery at a national, regional and local level with a particular focus on how regulation can support the local economy rather than prove to be a burden on business.
For more information and to book a place visit
Exeter Initiative for Science and Technology (ExIST) held their fifth quarterly event at Exeter College's new Technology Centre on Sowton Industrial Estate in October.
110 business leaders gathered for the event, which celebrated the wealth of Science and Technology companies operating in Exeter and its sub-region.
Attendees heard from four key speakers who are actively involved in ExIST; Richard Atikins - Principle of Exeter College, Lewis Jones of South West Water, David Pike of Graphic PLC and Nick Ames of Supacat.
Despite the dreadful weather conditions, Wednesday's Chamber Networking lunch attracted a huge turnout - with over 145 attendees signed up to attend the event.
Guest speaker, Peter Thornton, gave an incredibly honest account of the organisational, emotional, structural and relational reasons that drove the decline of Thorntons, a once highly profitable family business to a position of serious weakness.
The objective of this talk was to help businesses learn from what happened and to suggest what action they can they take to prevent a similar chain of events....