You don’t have to be the most well-informed person in the world to know that spending time outside is good for us. Fresh air, exercise, absorbing that all-important vitamin D naturally; take your pick of the benefits. But is there more to simply wandering around in nature than we realise? Might there be less obvious signs that we’re reaping the rewards as we walk the dog?
Theodore Rosak certainly thought so. In his book published in 1992, he coined the phrase ‘ecopsychology’. Beautifully self-explanatory, Rosak used the term to describe the study of the mental health benefits of...
An artist and doctor family team have co-authored an art book due to be published later in June aimed at promoting readers’ wellbeing and mental health through creativity.
Full-time artist, Emily Powell, and her GP sister, Dr Sarah Moore, both from Devon, have combined their affinity for art and wellbeing and produced a book to get the nation painting. As an artist, Emily is renowned for her uplifting pieces and her strong command of colour. Sarah is an Exeter-based GP who also does research at the University of Exeter, where she specialises in early cancer diagnosis.
People at high risk of Type 2 Diabetes who make small changes in their everyday habits over up to two years are much less likely to develop the disease, according to a project run by the Devon charity Westbank Community Health and Care.
Westbank’s Healthier Devon Diabetes Prevention Programme supports adults aged 18-90 years who want to improve their overall health and fitness. Many are patients referred by a GP or clinician because they are at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes - a serious, debilitating and often lifelong condition. Individuals can also self refer.
Independent charity Devon Communities Together (DCT) has launched a new wellbeing programme, Wellbeing Works, to support people and businesses in Devon to prioritise their wellbeing and resilience as we continue to recover from the pandemic.
People can access free 1-2-1 wellbeing check-ins with trained volunteers or join one of a series of online workshops designed to share tools and techniques for better wellbeing. There are a whole range of two-hour workshops on offer, from the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’, to ‘Wellbeing at Work’ and even ‘Doodling for Wellbeing’, plus many more....
Devon’s Director of Public Health, Steve Brown, is urging the public to ‘continue to look out for each other’ by being cautious and following the guidance over the next few months.
His comments come after groups that represent vulnerable people most at risk from coronavirus raised concerns about the removal of the legal requirement for people with the virus to self-isolate, announced by the Prime Minister yesterday.
Mr Brown says he’s heard from groups that represent vulnerable people and that many are concerned that removing legislation will put them personally at...
The NHS in Devon has announced the launch of a new health and wellbeing app library for local people, powered by the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA).
Effectively a comparison website, the localised site for Devon allows patients and healthcare professionals to search and download from a wide range of apps, making it quicker and easier for people across Devon to access safe and accredited health and wellbeing applications on their computer or smart phone.
Founded by NHS clinicians, ORCHA is used widely for health application evaluation and...
Skateboarding in middle age helps people navigate depression, bond with their children and cope with personal trials, a new study shows.
Older people who take part in the sport say it has a “spiritual meaning” in their lives and boosts their wellbeing and happiness. Physical benefits are a by-product.
Skateboarding allows them access to a community and gives them an identity separate from other parts of their lives.
One reason could be because the measure of success in skateboarding is more fluid compared to other sports, and failure is seen as part of the...
As winter approaches, doctors in Devon are reminding people that by practising self-care, they can help themselves and reduce the need to use busy NHS services.
Self-care involves helping people to better understand how to look after minor illnesses or long-term conditions, and how to prevent ill health by choosing healthy options for good physical and mental wellbeing.
Dr Alex Degan, NHS Devon’s Primary Care Medical Director, said: “It is really important to look after yourself, especially as we are getting closer to winter, with both flu and Covid-19 likely to both be...
Diabetes UK, in partnership with Sport England, has launched an initiative to encourage and support people living with diabetes across Devon to get more active.
Moving more when you have diabetes is an important way of managing your condition and making a few small changes in your daily life can give your health a real boost.
Some of the many benefits of physical activity include helping the body use insulin better; helping to look after your blood pressure, as high blood pressure increases your risk of diabetes complications; and helping you lose weight if you need to...
University guide focusing on student well-being and mental health launched
Leading student health and well-being expert and GP Dr Dominique Thompson has warned that the last year of isolation may leave a lasting impact on university students post-pandemic.
“Students are now navigating unique challenges whilst trying to maintain their well-being and mental health at uni, with many not equipped with the knowledge and tools to manage successfully. With many wanting to make up for lost time on their return to university, many may be dealing with social media dependency, damaging...