Later living operator Inspired Villages, which owns Millbrook retirement village, in Exeter, has been helping to grant ‘wishes’ for residents including arranging a skydive, hot air balloon ride and a private tour of the Tate St Ives.
The wishes are being granted as part of the company’s ‘Retired? No, Inspired’ campaign helping residents achieve long-held dreams. The campaign aims to highlight that those later years can be the best of your life as you finally have the freedom from work and family commitments to do things you may have been putting off for years.
During the year Devon Air Ambulance (DAA) receives many messages of thanks and appreciation for their aircrew and medical teams, not just from grateful patients, but also from the friends and family members of those that needed theservice. As part of the 2020 There to Care Christmas Appeal, DAA is inviting supporters toleave a Christmas wish or a festive message for loved ones. These may be special friends, family members or their crew, just to show them you care this Christmas.
By pledging just £3 to the appeal, your Christmas wish or festive message will be tied to their...
On Saturday 13th May 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., W H. Squires & Son (Exwick premises) will be having an open day and an opportunity to ‘Ask the Funeral Director’ any questions you may have – however strange you may think they are! This will be free entry but donations for Hospiscare will be welcomed for Cakes and refreshments.
This will be in conjunction with ‘Dying Matters’ week. Dying Matters is a coalition of over 32,000 people nationwide trying to get more people talking about death, dying and bereavement. As well as ‘Stanley’ our vintage hearse , different types of coffins on...