Noël Coward’s sharp and satirical comedy revolves around Garry Essendine, an ageing and egotistical stage star. Charismatic, spoiled and quick-witted, Garry finds himself entangled with a series of adoring admirers, his ex-wife and his controlling secretary, all while grappling with a looming tour of Africa. As his personal and professional lives spin out of control, Garry faces deeper questions about his identity, relationships, and the role he plays both on and off the stage.
EUTCo’s production, set in 1939, will balance the humour and farcical elements of Coward’s writing with...
Several students from West Exe School , part of the Ted Wragg Trust , recently took part in Philosothon UK.
A Philosothon is a friendly “competition” between small teams in which students participate in a series of “Communities of Inquiry” and are judged by the quality of their participation. Students are asked to consider open-ended questions which require an extended response and typically involve appeal to more than one discipline.
Students are asked to have a conversation in mixed age group teams about a clearly defined philosophical or ethical issue. They are judged...
Exeter has placed #20 in StudentCrowd's Best Student Cities 2023 league table against more than 70 cities in the UK.
The city ranked as one of the best across all review categories: cost of living, eating out, night life, shopping and public transport.
Exeter is home to the University of Exeter. In total, there are over 30,000 students in Exeter - making it a hub for higher education and student life in the region.
One student who rated their experience at Exeter on StudentCrowd said: "The city has a lot to offer. There are many shops, restaurants, pubs and...
Every college student knows the pressure of exams. The sleepless nights, the endless revisions, the cups of coffee, and the anxiety of waiting for results. It's a cycle that repeats semester after semester. But amidst this cycle, there's a beacon of hope, a tool that promises to change the way students approach their exams. Enter Test Banks. This isn't just about having an edge; it's about transforming the way you learn, revise, and ultimately, perform in your exams. This article will take you on a journey, exploring how is not just a platform but a partner in your academic...
South West pupils are taking part in an essential new University of Exeter programme designed to give them specialist support as they prepare to go on to higher education.
The Bridges to Higher Education scheme aims to widen participation and access to university. Teenagers are being given expert advice on student finance, studying for degrees and degree apprenticeships, their post-18 options, and choosing a degree course.
Current University of Exeter students are acting as mentors, giving information on what to expect from university life.
A University of Exeter Business School student will aim to swim across Lake Geneva later this month in a money and awareness-raising feat of endurance for charity.
Oscar Sanger, who studies Business Management and will be entering his final year in September, decided to raise money for the eating disorder charity Beat after a close family member became ill with bulimia and anorexia.
Studying in Lausanne on a year abroad and far from his family, Oscar was preoccupied with the condition of his teenage cousin who had been hospitalised, and looking for ways he could show his...
The University of Exeter has welcomed nine students from a variety of faculties and subjects on its Digital Internship Scheme through its Student Campus Partnership.
The interns will take up the role of Digital Strategy Communication and Engagement Assistants and will support the Digital team with communication and engagement activity for the Digital Strategy and any of its associated products, services, and events, especially those related to the student experience and digital upskilling.
The University of Exeter first launched its 2030 Digital Strategy last year and...
A £10,000 donation from a healthcare charity will enable University of Exeter Medical School Students to take up clinical placements in hospitals and laboratories around the globe, to help shape their education.
The Hospital Saturday Fund has given fifteen final year Exeter medical students the opportunity to undertake training abroad through a bursary. The final year students will take off for countries in South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and more. Once there, the students will undertake a clinical placement, which diversifies their experience of how different health...
A local housebuilder has cemented its relationship with the next generation of construction professionals at Exeter College, thanks to a substantial donation of 10,000 bricks for education and training purposes.
The special delivery from Persimmon Homes South West was marked with an event at the College’s state-of-the-art construction facilities in the company of local apprentices and the leader of Exeter City Council, Cllr Phil Bialyk.
The bricks, enough to build a three-bedroom house, will be used by students at Exeter, and forms part of Persimmon’s commitment to...
In 2022, unemployment in the UK fell to its lowest rate for nearly 40 years. As we look forward to the next 12 months, many businesses are already struggling to find good new team members, including companies in and around the Exeter area.
If you want to win the war for talent in Exeter, you might want to consider these top tips for finding new talented people quickly, as well as building a longer-term pipeline of applicants.
1. Target the university
Exeter has one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the country. Today, Exeter has more than 25,000...