Hustings for the County Council elections will be held on Thursday 27th April at Exeter Community Centre at 7 pm
Hilary Whyard will represent the Labour candidates, Anne Jobson the Conservatives, Diana Moore the Green Party and Vanessa Newcombe the Liberal Democrats.
Questions can be submitted in advance via Jess Nightly at and will have a better chance of being asked. However some questions will be taken from the audience.
County elections are on May 4th; in view of the General Election on June 8th national policy issues may also be...
The past week was Local Democracy Week and Exeter City Council organised several events, including a Question Time from Exeter College.
During the event, I live-tweeted questions and answers. To what end?
Well, local councillor, Catherine Dawson hasdbeen signed off sick and was unable to attend Full Council on Tuesday and the other events during the week - she felt isolated from what was going on. At least she had Twitter.
She followed the Question Timeevent on Twitter as Ilinked my tweets from Exeter College with the hashtag #ExeQT.
People are being given an opportunity to quiz a panel of politicians, councillors and local personalities including Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw at a free event during Local Democracy Week.
Tickets are now available - at no charge - for an Exeter Question Time event, which takes place at Exeter's College's CCI Theatre, at 7pm on Friday 18 October. Call 01392 265891 to book a free ticket.
On the panel and taking questions from the public will be: Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw; Express and Echo Editor, Paul Burton; Cllr Rosie Denham, Exeter City Council's Lead Councillor for Economy and...