Gill Yates

Gill Yates

Content by Gill Yates

Post date
Flower Festival at St Margaret's Church, Topsham 21/05/2014 - 5:34pm
Mass in B minor - J.S. Bach 24/03/2014 - 11:17am
Exeter Philharmonic Choir and Exeter Symphony Orchestra Concert 21/01/2014 - 4:22pm
Exeter Singers Concert 05/10/2013 - 9:37am
Carols in the Cathedral 05/09/2013 - 4:11pm
Exeter Philharmonic Choir concert 05/09/2013 - 4:05pm
Baroque Glories 18/03/2013 - 11:56am
Brahms - Ein Deutsches Requiem 09/01/2013 - 3:22pm