Basic Butchery & Charcuterie Day Course
Do you enjoy your meat, love rare breed pork, but would like to do a little bit more with it?
West Town Farm have joined forces with local artisan charcuterie makers Good Game, the farm are providing the pork, Good Game are providing the skills and knowledge for a fabulous day on the farm learning to do more with meat.
This course is aimed at the home hobbyist and any lover of good food who might want to make their own bacon or have a go at curing a Chorizo or two. This is a great way to get an appreciation of what goes into curing and what you need to do it at home.
The course will be hands on and you will leave the day with a few notes and recipes as well as some of lovely West Town Farm pork to hang up at home to watch cure.
Course Content
- Basic Cuts from a side of pork
- The bits most people don’t use
- The cuts for fresh vs cured sausage
- Bacon and Pancetta
- Salami and Chorizo
- A look at Air Dried ham and other whole muscle meats
- Other meats: Venison, Beef, Veal, Rabbit etc…..
- An introduction to smoking
This is an introduction course and you will leave having done the prep and made some charcuterie. This will not cover advanced techniques but there will be plenty of opportunities to discuss these skills with the Good Game team. There will be future courses to cover more advanced smoking and more advances Charcuterie/Salumeria. You my even find out the difference between a Salami, Saucisson and Chorizo!
Cost: £115