CPRE Devon Launch Seminar: Devon's real housing needs
Are you concerned about the number of new homes being built in and around Exeter and East Devon? How many are planned for your community and where? How many are genuinely affordable and who are the planned new homes for?
To objectively assess the situation, the Devon branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE Devon) commissioned an independent study. The findings will be announced today, revealing the truth about Devon's real housing needs.
Come along to find out what the evidence shows and how it could help communities facing unwanted development plans.
Limited numbers. Admission by ticket only. Free to CPRE members. To secure your place, email info@cpredevon.org.uk
Non-members £5. Tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/devons-real-housing-needs-how-many-new-ho...