Experience the magic of the Dawn Chorus at RSPB Exminster Marshes nature reserve
Experience the wonderful sounds of a dawn chorus
This is a wonderful opportunity to demystify and learn to identify some of the wonderful birdsong we hear all around us.
So rise early and head out to join us. You’ll be amazed at the range of birds you can hear when you’re out in the open. Our reserve comes alive with constant birdsong and migrant warblers return from Africa to breed so sing loudly to claim their territories.
What are you likely to hear?
• Skylarks – who sing with full force on the way up
• Warblers – willow warblers, reed warblers and sedge warblers (secretive little brown birds who, returning from Africa to breed, sound a bit manic as they stake claim to territories)
• Chiffchaffs who helpfully repeat their name over and over again – 'chiff' 'chaff'
• Whitethroats
• 'Garden bird' favourites such as blackbirds, robins, blue tits and chaffinches
What might you see?
• Butterflies such as Green-veined White and Orange-tip on Cuckoo Flower (Ladies Smock)
• Swallows and swifts hawking for insects
• Lapwings displaying as they pair up in time for nesting
• Curlews
• Ducks such as teal and shovellers
• Herons and mute swans
• A peregrine falcon on patrol
RSPB members £3 non-members £5, child £2 – payable on the day.
Booking essential via Eventbrite. Here's the link: