Free Dog Microchipping by PCSO Will Malcolm and Vets4Pets Staff.

Authored by Will
Posted: Friday, May 27, 2016 - 10:42am

As of 6th April it's compulsory that your dog should be microchipped.

Statistics (we like statistics) show that there are around 1.8 million dogs not chipped which makes them untraceable if they go missing.

You just need to look on this site to see how common and frequent dogs do go missing.

As well as dogs going missing we also get the occasional dog that's been dumped, again having it legally chipped will help us ID the animal and owner.

As a dog owner myself i wanted to hold a free microchipping event for anyone (city wide and beyond) who hasn't already done this.

I've secured POCA (Proceeds of Crime Act) funds to enable this to happen. So i'll be holding this event on Sat 28th May at the Piazza Terracina on The Quay from 3-5pm but can be longer if the demand is there.

I spoke to staff at Vets4Pets and they said they would be delighted to come along and insert the microchips. I'll be doing all the paperwork.

The microchips will be supplied by Pet Identity who have kindly donated 100 free with my order. The great thing about Pet Identity is that you can update any future changes for free.

Please spread the word so we can get everyone's dog microchipped just in case they do go missing.

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Piazza Terracina, The Quay, Exeter.

Event Date

Saturday, May 28, 2016 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
