Stephen Beville: Angels and Saints piano recital
After his successful recital 'Musical Paintings' in 2019, internationally acclaimed pianist and composer Stephen Beville (www.satyahoo.com) returns to St Margarets Church Topsham for this afternoon matinee recital on Sunday 22nd May.
The programme will explore both pastoral and religious themes, including the premiere of Beville's new work 'Portrait of the Angel Raphael'.
J.S Bach - Preludes and Fugues in E and F, Book II (Well Tempered Klavier)
Beethoven - Sonata in D, Op 28 'Pastoral'
interval (refreshments available)*
Chopin - Nocturnes in F, F-sharp and G minor, Op 15 Nos 1-3
Beville - Portrait of the Angel Rapheal premiere
Liszt - Two Legends
I. St Francois d'Assise: la predication aux oiseaux
II. St. Farncois de Paule marchant sur les flots.
*During the interval, copies of Stephen Beville's newly released CD 'Visions and Ventures' will be available on sale.
3:30 pm Sunday 22nd May, St Margarets Church, Topsham
Tickets £12 on the door, £10 in advance from the Topsham Bookshop, Tel: 01392 877895