Radio Devon's Fitz digs first turf on site of charity family suite
Staff from the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Trust and ELF were joined by ELF Patron, David Fitzgerald to put the first spade in the ground for the new family suite.
ELF wants to do more for critically ill and end of life patients. The Chevithorne Appeal will fund the building of a suite of rooms for patients and their families so that they can be together whilst still receiving the tailored medical care at the hospital.
The suite will have two bedrooms – one for the patient and one for their family. An open plan living area with kitchenette gives the home comforts and will their stay as “normal” as possible all within the Haematology’s Yarty Ward.
David said: “I am thrilled to be here as they start the building of the new family suite as I know this facility will really help so many families across Devon”.
Rod Payne of Interserve added: “The Haematology extension for ELF is due to commence on 29 March immediately following Easter weekend. Work is programmed for 22 weeks.”
If you would like to support The Chevithorne Appeal, please visit www.elfcharity.org.uk, join ELF on Facebook or twitter @elfcharity.