Essential work for Cathedral roof funded by WWI Centenary Grant
It was announced last week that Exeter Cathedral has been awarded £70,000 in the final phase of grants from the First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund.
The money will be used to fund the urgent removal of asbestos from roof spaces above the Cathedral’s Quire aisles and north porch, allowing the safe inspection and maintenance of spaces which have been inaccessible without strict control in recent years.
Chris Sampson, the Cathedral’s Clerk of Works, said: “It is essential that our we are able to regularly and safely inspect all areas of the Cathedral as part of an ongoing programme of maintenance and conservation. This grant will make it possible to record the condition of these parts of the roof space as we shape our major works schedule for the next 10 years and beyond.”
The Cathedral’s Development Director, Paul Courtney, welcomed the news: “The First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund has allowed Exeter Cathedral to undertake a large amount of high-priority work on the building’s fabric and infrastructure. It has helped to address some of the significant challenges of maintaining these ancient and important buildings for future generations”.
Sir Paul Ruddock, Chair of the Expert Panel of the First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund, which assessed the grant applications, said: “England’s cathedrals are at the heart of its communities and this second tranche of funding has enabled essential repairs for buildings, some of which are almost 1000 years old. In every case, the repairs funded have prevented much more costly problems developing and we are very grateful for the government’s continued support.”
The Church of England's 42 cathedrals are estimated to contribute around £220 million to the national economy every year through employment and tourism. They welcome more than 11 million visitors annually, employ more than 7,000 people and are supported by 15,000 dedicated volunteers.