Exeter deaf students lead awareness event
Exeter Deaf Academy students will be out in force in Exeter City Centre tomorrow (Thursday 7 May) as part of National Deaf Awareness Week (4–10 May).
This year’s theme is ‘Connect and Communicate’ and the Deaf Academy’s students would love to meet more of the local community to help raise awareness of deafness and the Deaf Academy.
From 9.30am-12.30pm a group of Deaf Academy’s School students will be ready and waiting in Bedford Square to deliver Deaf Awareness sessions and also on hand to teach members of the public how to sign their names in British Sign Language (BSL).
Throughout the week in preparation for their community event, students will be exploring Deaf culture and discussing matters that are important to them in promoting awareness and understanding of deafness. The Deaf Academy’s College students will be exploring similar themes and as part of election-week fever, will be holding their own mock election at the Deaf Academy, including preparing specialist manifestos ahead of the event.
Head of School Keith Stevens said: “Thursday’s event in Princesshay is going to be a fantastic opportunity for the local community to meet some of our students.
"They are really excited to meet lots of different people and I know that they will do a brilliant job. I’d definitely recommend joining us if you can – it’s going to be a very fun morning and a great chance for a taster in deaf awareness and to try your hand at BSL.”
To meet the Deaf Academy’s students and find out more about deafness and the Deaf Academy, head over to Bedford Square in Princesshay, Exeter on Thursday 7 May between 9.30am and 12.30pm.